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Found 4 results

  1. View File TIC-TAC-TOE Game Tic Tac Toe is a fun kids game. It created it back in 2011 when I was interning and learning LabVIEW. Please feel free to download and play this game. TIC-TAC-TOE.zip Submitter leumaseoj Submitted 08/04/2022 Category General License Type BSD (Most common)  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Tic Tac Toe is a fun kids game. It created it back in 2011 when I was interning and learning LabVIEW. Please feel free to download and play this game. TIC-TAC-TOE.zip
  3. Good morning everybody, I'm new to the forum and I'd like to show you my last creation as a presentation. It is called Hackman, and it is a PacMan clone I've made while trying some OOP in Labview. I have programmed chasing and moving methods as in the original arcade. From the website http://hackyourpack.altervista.org/ you can download the executable... If anybody's interested I can provide source. It is keeping track of the global high score.. so try it and put your name on it, so everybody will know your mastery! Ciao! Ubbi
  4. Hey guys. I need a simple game(not 15 puzzle,snake or tetris). Just need a link,no matter who create. I will be very grateful
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