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Found 2 results

  1. Hello! It was found that the function Request Deallocation does not free memory after using an array of strings (or any other multi-dimensional array). Description of the experiment: There is a VI from which subVI is called by command. In the subVI only one-dimensional array (numbers or strings) generated. If the array element type is number (I32), then allocated memory is released (using the function Request Deallocation). If the array element type is string (or any other multi-dimensional array), the memory will not be released. Anyone faced this problem? If yes, what should we do? Excuse for bad english. main.vi memoryusage.vi
  2. Cross posted from : http://forums.ni.com...ht/true#M702675 Hi I have a memory leak on my application. By observing with the "Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit", the Power Spectrum function (from NI_AALPro.lvlib) seems to have two "Reference leak". The first one refers to the function "Open VI reference"; I got around this problem by replacing the "Open VI reference" by an "Initialize" input boolean, but I don't understand the second memory leak. Any idea ? Thanks... (See attachments : Desktop Execution Trace + code) LV8.6.1 + Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit 2009 Same problem with LV2012 + Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit 2012 MemoryLeakPowerSpectrum.zip
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