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Found 4 results

  1. I'm writing an application where users can plug in their own matlab code via a Mathscript "wrapper". I need a way of timing out the matlab in case the user creates an infinite loop. Does anyone know if mathscript provides a native timeout (google didn't find anything when searching "mathscript timeout"). If not, does anyone have any good (hopefully simple) suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Dear all, My company is starting a project where some Matlab files (.m) need to be executed by LabVIEW. The 2 obvious solutions are Matlab script nodes and MathScript nodes. Unfortunately, even though the latter one is the most cost-effective and light in terms of installation, many of the functions we need are not supported by the Run Time Engine, so it's kind of a deal breaker. For the Matlab script nodes, I know Matlab needs to be installed since LabVIEW will request Matlab to execute the scripts through ActiveX. What I don't know is: what version of Matlab? Is there a cheaper "Run Time Engine" of Matlab we can use instead of buying the full-blown developement version of Matlab? Any other comment, remark, suggestion, alternatives? Thanks!
  3. Hi, I am new to labview and need some assistance trying to open a .mat file for further analysis (example file attached). The file formate is level 5 and I believe the data is in arrays. I do not have access to confirm the structure but have been told the layout of the data i need to access follows the following structure: MotionFile_walkaround -> Actor_50_human -> Segments -> Sacrum -> Pose. I have successfully read the header and found that byte swapping is required. I have downloaded the Mat-File IO library but have had no success in reading the actual data set beyond the header but assume this is due to my inexperience with both .mat files and labview. Any help would be greatly appreciated. walkaround.zip
  4. Hello, I have installed JKI VI Package Manager on my laptop running Windows 7, and everything is working fine. The problem is, we have a desktop computer in the lab which we are not allowed to connect to the internet because it contains sensitive patient information. However, I need to run the labVIEW program that I have successfully made work on my laptop (with the help of the VI Package Manager), on the desktop computer. I am not able to process this data on my laptop due to memory and speed problems. I installed everything that I needed on my laptop with the helpful instructions on this page: http://matio-labview.sourceforge.net/ Without the internet, I have managed to install on the offline desktop: 1. the VI Package Manager, 2. Matio, 3. a 2011 Run-time engine that the VI Package Manager told me I needed (I also needed it for my laptop), 4. The following required Library: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opengtoolkit/ To accomplish the above on the desktop, I followed the exact same steps that were used on my laptop, but since I am not on the internet with the desktop, the VI Package Manager cannot connect to tell me what other openG libraries I need to solve the 'dependencies' problems I am encountering. A list of all the Libraries listed on my laptop under the VI Package Manager is below. Is there a way that I can get all of these onto the desktop? Some way I can transfer and replace a folder(s), so that I can have these dependency problems sorted out? Thank you so much for your help!! Kind regards, Andrew
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