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  1. For anyone else who may run across this... The PC is Win7 64-bit. We're using LabVIEW 2012 SP1 32-bit. I was creating a configuration screen including entering an ODBC database name and login information, selecting a table, and selecting columns in the table. There are VIs with LabVIEW to get a list of tables and a list of columns. The challenge was getting a list of ODBC databases. Google brought up a registry entry containing values of the ODBC connection. This does not pull up the information in the registry entry referenced. The reason for this is here and here. Windows redirects the 32-bit application to a different registry key. The second link includes how to bypass the registry redirection and further link in which registry entries are redirected. The other bit that was biting me was setting up the ODBC connection. We were going to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC) to configure a SQL Server database. This is where I went to on my development machine to setup a MySQL database and did not have any issues. The SQL Server setup tested OK in the ODBC setup, but was producing the message, "The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application" when tried to connect to the database in LabVIEW. The message was tracked to this article, which indicated we needed to run "c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe" instead of the ODBC configuration in the control panel. Note that I only had to run the odbcad32.exe for SQL Server and not MySQL.
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