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Found 1 result

  1. I’ve been trying to come up with my own consistent set of custom controls that has a more modern “flat” or “near-flat” style. Largely this was inspired by reading Google Material Design, and I’ve just added the results as a package in the CR: Flatline Controls. The latest thing I’ve been toying with are slider switches (here the Material Design guide on switches). But I’m having a hard time coming up with something that is flat and non-skeumorphic, but also clearly a switch. Attached is a VI (2011) with multiple switch types. The most 3D, old-school, looks like a real-world switch (on the left) seems best in terms of being obviously a switch. My most Google-like switch, on the right, is flat and simple, but not immediately obvious. My question is: what of the multiple LabVIEW switches do people actually use? Trouble with Switches.vi
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