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Automatic type casting doesn't work with DVRs

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Any specific reason behind applying DVRs to LVOOP why automatic type casting of wires originating from class type output terminals is not applied to data value references of class types. For static dispatch class method VIs, automatic type casting of class types occurs if wire from input terminal to output terminal is fully connected. Path is fully connected if all of the data paths that lead to the class output terminal originate at the class input terminal. If there are subVIs on any of the routes, the the subVIs must also be fully connected. All methods with dynamic dispatch input and dynamic dispatch output are always fully connected.

The current design makes usage of DVR class output terminals rather useless.


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No, it's not on the Exchange, but kudosing it there won't accelerate its development. We've already bought into needing it, it's just a question of getting it done. It's on the priority list already.

OK, then I guess there's nothing left to do but wait and hope :)

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OK, then I guess there's nothing left to do but wait and hope :)

I could extend my wish a little to apply to the use case of constructing LVOOP DVRs. If input is a value class and output is a DVR of the input, then tha automatic casting would be applied as well.

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