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Menu Reference


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I've just added menu support for Passa Mak. It works fine, but it 'aint pretty. The main reason being I can't find a way to get a top level vis menu reference. The menu seems to be the only FP functionality that doesn't have a reference thats exposed. Theres the vi menu ref (that only works within the current vi) and you can get it in an event structure (but can't programtically generate the event to execute the case). Anyone have any ideas?


Hi Shaun,

I'm not sure if I cought your problem right and I don't know the Passa Mak project.

But what about some mechanism like this one in the screenshot?

Implement some little standard components in all the VIs which should be supported by the Passa Mak thing. Produce events with changing a value (which represents a Q name for sending information back) and receive the according menu reference from the VIs.

Any other solution without any extra code in (Main)VIs would be better. But I have no idea for such an improved way.





Hi Shaun,

I'm not sure if I cought your problem right and I don't know the Passa Mak project.

But what about some mechanism like this one in the screenshot?

Implementsome little standard components in all the VIs which should besupported by the Passa Mak thing. Produce events with changing a value(which represents a Q name for sending information back) and receivethe according menu reference from the VIs.

Any other solution without any extra code in (Main)VIs would be better. But I have no idea for such an improved way.



Its a good idea, but it requires special code in the users vi for everyvi. Passa Mak is a tranlsation tool that can be pointed to your projectand it will create spreadsheet format files for translations. These canbe dynamically loaded at run-time to change languages. Currently (fromthe users point of view) its a single vi that you plonk of the subdiagram and give it a translation name and it will dynamically changethe language of all controls and indicators you wish to translate. Theonly code you need to add is the vi and a text string (translationname) to one vi and it will change all that are loaded. This means itcan easily be retrofitted to existing code as well as new code.

Idon't have a solution to get you the menu reference, but to get themenu items you could do like this (and I guess you have done somethingsimilar).




Indeed. The current implementation is very similar. Like I said..."It 'aint pretty" :P One issue you run into is that the vi you load the menu into needs to be visible which isn't very slick. You can get round that by putting it off screen but its all very messy and quite slow. I was kind-a hoping that there was a way to get the menu ref without resorting to file manipulation so everything could be in-place.


I was kind-a hoping that there was a way to get the menu ref without resorting to file manipulation so everything could be in-place.

Ok, I caught your problem now :D.

We haven't found a straight solution for this problem, too. And if I remember correctly, we reported the need of getting VI menu references via VI Server mechanisms some years ago, cause we had exactly the same problem :( . This should be a good product suggestion for future releases of LV.




Ok, I caught your problem now :D.

We haven't found a straight solution for this problem, too. And if I remember correctly, we reported the need of getting VI menu references via VI Server mechanisms some years ago, cause we had exactly the same problem :( . This should be a good product suggestion for future releases of LV.



Indeed. I also came across another problem in that the save function isn't available in the RTE. so its back to the drawing board :(

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