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LVOOP Starting Over

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Ok, so I took the OOP class (within the last few months) and now I am more confused than before I took the class. There was a LV Architect in the class and it seems that his only reason for taking the class was so he could argue with the teacher. About everything. The entire class. This really made it difficult to really get any value from the course and i'd loved to have strangled the guy. But I didnt. :frusty:

Anyhow, I now have a little extra time to jump back into LVOOP. Can anyone suggest a good place to start?


Hi Daryl

I'm sorry to here that the OOP class didn't deliver what it promised.

You could start here: http://lavag.org/top...-goop-prgamming

I've also uploaded some videos, but those are focusing on the Goop Development Suite.






Tomi has made a nice video that you can try.




Ok, so I took the OOP class (within the last few months) and now I am more confused than before I took the class.

That's really really sad mate - the NI LVOOP course is an *excellent* course! I'd put it up there with NI's best, including the RT course.

There was a LV Architect in the class and it seems that his only reason for taking the class was so he could argue with the teacher. About everything. The entire class. This really made it difficult to really get any value from the course and i'd loved to have strangled the guy. But I didnt.

Sounds like whoever was teaching the course might have been able to manage that a little better...


Hi Daryl

I'm sorry to here that the OOP class didn't deliver what it promised.

You could start here: http://lavag.org/top...-goop-prgamming

I've also uploaded some videos, but those are focusing on the Goop Development Suite.






Tomi has made a nice video that you can try.





Thank you very much. I will spend some time today going through these links. Do you recommend the endevo version over the LV version of OOP?

Do you have any OOP experience outside of LabVIEW?

Good question. I have very little OOP experience outside of Labview. The little I do have was in a JAVA project that I sort of "winged".


I guess I should also mention that I have purchased two books:

Head First Design Patterns

The Object Oriented Thought Process

I forget who recommended them but I have only just began reading Head First Design Patterns. I'm going to read these in my spare time as I am trying to learn LVOOP. (I'm pretty sure I want to learn LVOOP rather than GOOP since LVOOP is already included in Labview)


In addition to reading, I'd encourage you to actually create some object models, on paper, of real world systems.

It's one thing to read about whether the Square class should inherit from the Rectangle class or not (what is it with OO authors and shapes?... and cars?) It's quite something else to try to make the messy, analog world into neat packages with clean interactions. It's fun, though!

Joe Z.


In addition to reading, I'd encourage you to actually create some object models, on paper, of real world systems.

I'd take it a step further... try to code up your object model. Usually the object model I design on paper has flaws or consequences that don't become apparent until I start writing the code.

(what is it with OO authors and shapes?... and cars?)

Don't forget animals. How many times have we subclassed a Dog class?

I think that these examples do a disservice to OOP. They do a reasonably good job of illustrating what inheritance is, but they focus too much on using inheritance and class hierarchies as the core of OO programming. For the longest time I assumed that was the case and my efforts to do OO programming always resulted in more work with little tangible benefit. It wasn't until I started studying design patterns that I really started understanding OOP.



Thank you very much. I will spend some time today going through these links. Do you recommend the endevo version over the LV version of OOP?

I most often use the reference based class templates, and I then use the Endevo GOOP 3 class provider in GDS.

But when possible I use the normal by value approach, but I still use GDS, but uses the LabVIEW Native class provider to make my life easier.



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