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Communicating with INCA 4.0/4.1


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Good luck indeed. INCA is a very feature complete ECU monitoring/calibration/firmware changing application that does just about every thing dealing with many kinds of vehicle control modules. The UI leaves alot to be desired with menus that are unintuitive and functions that take alot of training to fully understand.

That being said I believe there are ActiveX calls into INCA, but good luck understanding them. With the software it self being as hard to use as it is I can only imagine how difficult it will be to be able to get the functions you need.

Generally people only want to use a very small subset of the functions of INCA. If this is the case with you I would suggest maybe looking into if you can do the functions INCA does nativily in LabVIEW. There does exist a ECU Measurement and Calibration add on for LabVIEW that allows you to read XCP and CCP (possibly KWP2000) messages over the standard CAN interface. This means that with a $200 (estimate) USB CAN device from NI, and this tool kit you can measure and write to XCP and CCP messages.

So I'd be curious to know what functions of INCA you need. Most likely you will not be able to communicate with INCA to get the functions you need and either will reinvent the wheel for LabVIEW, or just use INCA as it was intended.

Also is there a reason you aren't using the latest INCA which I think is in the 6.x version? The newer the version the more likely that the ActiveX functions you need exist.

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Thanks for the reply,

Actually the objective is to design a Single LabVIEW based Application Program which can combine the data from INCA and also one NI bases DataLogger is supposed to be controlled in such a way that the Time Stamp for NI acquired data matches with the INCA Data.

Since the customer is already having ETAS Hardware and INCA 4.0/4.1 we are supposed to work with this version of INCA only.

The Project is still under study phase and I am yet to be exposed to real INCA Software and its functionality.

Will share if there is any progress....

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