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event structure help

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I have some silly doubt regarding event structure. When ever I taken event structure it display some parameters inside the event structure. what does all mean Type, time, newval, oldval and ctlref. Can any one explaine me the meaning of those parameters. More empty event structure contains only type and time parameters inside it.

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I have some silly doubt regarding event structure. When ever I taken event structure it display some parameters inside the event structure. what does all mean Type, time, newval, oldval and ctlref. Can any one explaine me the meaning of those parameters. More empty event structure contains only type and time parameters inside it.

Hi Sjukheter

The Event Structure has an Event Data Node on the left hand side which outputs data for a configured event (when that event occurs) and is very similar to the Unbundle By Name node. As the data returned is specific to an event it will change from event to event however, there are some standard or common data that is returned each time i.e. what you can see with an 'empty event structure' - to answer part of your question:

Source - U32 value of the source of the event (LabVIEW UI, User Event etc...)

Type - Enum of the type of event (Key Up, Key Down etc...)

Time - U32 timestamp of when event occurred

For Filter events you will also see a Filter Node on the right hand side and this is similar to a Bundle By Name Node. These can be more complicated especially if you have multiple events structures configured for the same Filter event. Put simply, you can override data just by wiring it into the node, or you can leave it and no change to the data will occur. You can even ignore the event so no notification occurs.

I recommend you check out the LabVIEW help to find out more or do a quick search, here are a few links to get you started:

Event Structure Components

Notify and Filter Events

Using Events in LabVIEW

Also just by playing around with them and trying different stuff, you will pick up on it quick.



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