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control 2 motors simultanuously using the same interface

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I'm working on a program to implement and controle two stepper motors ( MG17) using the same interface, my problem is that I can not control both of them in same time.

If I use the jogging button of one of them ( for exemple: the 1st motor) , the interface shows that they are both controlled, but in reality just the 1st is running .. and vice versa.

Thank you for helping me.



PreReply note, don't presume that the people reading will have the driver or the knowledge of how the driver operates.

That being said, are you sure that you can run 2 at the same time with that driver?

Sure you might be able to code it up, but sometimes people don't think about the obvious, like doing the same thing in parallel.

And to your point of it looking like your controlling both, when I look at the code, I see you controlling each independently. the only thing tying both together is the SetPositionOffset method.

And if I presume anything about that method and the behavior that your describing, then it's not the method you need to be calling.

Perhaps if you want to call both at once you need to use the GetPosition method on the second one.

<a href="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png"><img'>http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png"><img class="embeddedObject" src="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png" width="660" height="502" border="0" /></a>

Good luck


The Captain

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