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Include hardware configuration from MAX

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This is an option for NI installer build specifications. Gist is, you can include a .nce file which gets merged into (or replaces) the MAX config on the target machine at install time. I thought, "Oh, cool!" and ticked it recently for a project. It wasn't until I got to distributing the installer that I realized it ballooned my installer to 330MB! Without that option ticked, it's around 9MB. The installer will automatically include the NI System Configuration Runtime (and possibly MAX itself?), but unfortunately does not indicate this on the Additional Installers page, else I might have caught it). All in all, I'm disappointed there's such a hefty tax for this feature.

Does anyone use this regularly? More importantly, has anyone used this, been appalled at the ballooned install size, and made a nice, lightweight alternative? :) Is it even worth it, I wonder/ We have a couple VIs in our reuse library which could facilitate this, but it would have to be done using an executable which is automatically run after the installation finishes.

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I have seen that option, and every time I go to use it I had issues of some kind so I just distributed the .nce file along with the installer and had to import it manually, which I think I prefer because you can then resolve conflicts manually where the auto import may not make the decision I would about which hardware is what alias.

That being said I think it wouldn't be too difficult to do this your self, using the Import function on the palette, as you suggested as a Post-Install function that I believe you can do.

I'm sure you can understand why NI decided to include so much extra content when you decide to create an installer with the nce file. What if MAX isn't installed when you run your installer? It won't be able to perform the import...but still 330MB! It probably includes a run time engine or two, (which are now over 100MB each), and then possibly DAQmx, maybe NI-VISA, and MAX so I can see why it would be that much.

I almost feel like you could make 2 installers, one that installs MAX, DAQmx, VISA, and any other things you need (NI-DMM, Switch, NI-Power), and then have your second installer that is your 9MB program which imports your nce as a post install function. Then have the user install both if it is the first time new machine, or just run your smaller installer if it is an upgrade. That way when you push a new version of your code you will only have to deliver a new 9MB file, instead of a new 330MB file, with 321MB being the same as the last release.

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I almost feel like you could make 2 installers, one that installs MAX, DAQmx, VISA, and any other things you need (NI-DMM, Switch, NI-Power), and then have your second installer that is your 9MB program which imports your nce as a post install function. Then have the user install both if it is the first time new machine, or just run your smaller installer if it is an upgrade. That way when you push a new version of your code you will only have to deliver a new 9MB file, instead of a new 330MB file, with 321MB being the same as the last release.

Yeah, this is the proper solution, but it would be nice if I could tell the installer "assume this software is present" instead of it silently including extra components. I think that's probably what annoyed me the most, that there was zero indicating I was auto-including other software. It still kills me to have a 321MB "Hardware Configuration Installer". Blech.

As for the auto-import behavior - if something fails, it will prompt you to retry the auto-import or to do it manually. Must have changed since the last time you tried it?

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From MAX the File >> Import function worked as you described, where it will show you what things it will replace or change, and allow you to make adjustments. I was assuming that the import from the palette, or the import from installer wouldn't give you that option and would just import it without prompting you, but I've never used these two features. I just assumed they worked that way because I couldn't see an installer prompting for those kinds of settings. I also don't know how they would interact with the silent install switches that NI installers support.

I agree, that at a minimum, the build specifications should indicate what things it will include, likely by checking their corresponding items in the Additional Installers section, and then allow you to uncheck things you know are already installed.

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