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somebody konows something about labview 7.1 ...if have any problem with windows xp sp2 ...because before i install sp2 i have many problems with labview ...if somebody know tell me plz :(


can you please be more specific ? which problems ?

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XP SP2 is a lot more intrusive. It is trying to add a lot of security, but its methods of doing so interfere with a lot of programs. We have not had good luck with it and went back to SP1 and have no problems. Do yourself a favor and go back to SP1 if there is any way you can live without SP2.

Good luck

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I have not heard of LV 7.2 either. I think he was just extrapolating versions. It would be surprising that a 7.x version would come out without some type of beta.

Senor zeus, glad to hear that uninstalling XP SP2 has solved some of your problems for now. I would not expect 7.2 (even if it existed) or even 8.0 to solve this. I think it is more of a Microsoft issue (surprise surprise...). In the meantime I am sticking mostly with Win2000 and LV 6.1 for most applications and 7.1 only when a client demands it.


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