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Error 7 with Report Generation Toolkit

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Hello Everyone,


I'm trying to generate an Excel sheet report for some readings using "Report Generation toolkit" But when trying to generate the report, the report generation part of code is executed and gives Error(7) and there is no report is generated.


The Code I use is attached.


Can I get help please?


Thanks in advance 16x16_smiley-happy.gif


Report Generation.zip


Probe the path wire going into the New Report.vi when the VI is ran.  You'll see that the path provided as a xls template is a path to a location that doesn't exist.  Your XLS file is in the same directory as your Main.vi but you stripped the path twice meaning the folder above where the main is.  Remove one of the strip paths to fix that then if you have the report generation toolkit installed it will open excel and make your spreadsheet.  It doesn't get saved because you didn't use the Save Report to File.  Call this before the Dispose Report.


EDIT: Cross post http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Error-7-with-Report-Generation-Toolkit/td-p/2695725

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