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Controlling motors using a digital multimeter reading

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I am fairly new to labview so forgive me for any rookie mistakes, i have managed to create a program where a user can press a button on the front panel and this will then operate a few stepper motors that are reliant on a dmm reading,


ok so here goes..... i have managed to get the program to initilaise my dmm and also to read and save a measurement from it, however i want the program to run in sequence i.e. activate the next stage after the measurement is complete that is why i have used seperate while loops.


i want the second while loop then to activate a motor which will turn and look for the highest peak on the dmm and once found will record that measurement.


i have tried searching but to no prevail so any help would be brilliant!!!!





the equipment i am using is a 7350 motion controller with a 4065 dmm module, attached is what i have so far.Efficiency Checker updated.vi


I probably spent more time on this then I should have but I got carried away.  Basically you could do it with multiple loops but there really is no need, you are only going to be doing one thing at a time.  This makes state machines a good design.  I created a state machine that is string based using an event structure to handle the UI being interacted with by the user.


You said you wanted to find the peaks but didn't really specify how long the test should run for so I added a control that at the moment defaults to 5 seconds.  So after clicking start it will run for 5 seconds displaying new data on a chart, and keeping track of the first value, and the maximum value.  At the end of the 5 seconds you click Exit and Log or close the window to save the data the same way you were before.  I also added a splitter and resized the graph with the window.  I don't think this does all you need but it is a good place to start and to build on without shooting your self in the foot.

Efficiency Checker Hooovahh Edit.vi

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