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"AO channel.vi Update" function in Labview

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I am a beginner in Labview. I'm working on a simulation project bipolar transistors for display their current in fonction of voltage . 
I look for the "AO channel.vi Update" function in NI measures, but I can not find it. Can you tell me how to set or where I can find it? More, can you tell me how to integrate a ".Zip" package in Labview 2009? 
thank you
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First the original question. It sounds like you don't have DAQmx installed. This is a driver add-on that also adds functions to you palette. It is a rather large download and the latest has no support for 2009 so you'll want to check the release notes for the right version.

As for integrating a zip. What is in this zip? How was it made? I'm guessing someone just zipped the user.lib but without knowing what's in it it is impossible to say how it should be used.

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