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DFQ / Q-DAS - QDAS file write/read/convert

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As many may know, Q-DAS has established a de-facto standard for statistical quality control data exchange (files .dfq, .dfx., .dfd)

Is there, somewhere, a vi to write data to file in this fomat?




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Don't expect you'll find something to write Q-DAS format. We had a package that output Q-DAS format from a database. It required training from Q-DAS, development of code by certified person, testing and approval of output by Q-DAS, sacrifice of firstborn son under the second full moon of the third month... It was a rather involved (and expensive) process. That's been some years and things may have improved since then. We didn't keep up the certification as we had only one customer in the automotive industry that uses Q-DAS and we've not been doing much businesses with that customer lately. (Most all our other customer seem to use Minitab or SQL/stored procedures for their statistics.)

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  • 5 years later...

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