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help needed...please

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Hi Labviewers!

I'm a newbie here, student....

So what's the prob.

I need to do any type of an experiment ( electric measurments ) in labview in cathegory with sound card as interface!

So I would need help in terms of Idea or even a resourse of ideas (all what I'm able to do with sound card as interface to measure something/anything) .

Till now I have comunication with sound card in terms of output (sound generator) but I would need a source code for usin' input signal (microphone or line in) to measure voltage etc... also I need an idea what I can measure with some elementary aditional outboard electronics I can make myself....

For example... I need some of you to post: "you can connect low voltage e-motor to output of sound c. and then put a mass (fisical resistance) on it and use temperature to voltage converter (if I can make it due to low budget :thumbdown: ) then back to input of sound c. and measure voltage with this ---- source code for measure input voltage---- an then calculate how much of energy is lost in proces...." also if there's some link with usin' sound cards with labview would be nice from you to name them.

Sorry for my basic knowlage people, I don't wanna insult you with this post :D

Thank you for reading...double 10x if ou can hel me :)

All the best



Okay, yesterday I was feeling somewhat generous, but this morning the coffee wasn't so good, so ...

Please read: Another Homework Hustler

Then read: How to Use the LAVA Forum

Side Note: to Michael Aivaliotis: Perhaps we need a pinned topic near the top of the front page of the forum "For Students Seeking Help With Homework" that reminds them of the guide and then threatens deletion of any homework hustles posted outside of that area. I make this suggestion since the trickle seems to have swollen to a small stream. Before it swells to a river maybe we should divert the waters into a holding pond.

Along those lines, we could have a topic in that forum specific to using the LabVIEW Student Edition.

Lastly, denmla, thank you for at least attempting to be polite in your post. You get points for that, as many HH's (Homework Hustlers) do not even make the attempt, they just scream for help. If you're really desperate for ideas with the sound card avenue, how about recording and graphing fart & burp sounds from all the students in your class? Such a ludicrous experiment is sure to generate both laughter and enthusiasm from your classmates and you can make a ranking list based on top decibel/volume and total sound energy by integrating the sound envelope of the fart. Elegant? no, Unique? yes!

I can see the NIWeek Contest Paper for this now ... :D

Okay, yesterday I was feeling somewhat generous, but this morning the coffee wasn't so good, so ...

Please read: Another Homework Hustler

Then read: How to Use the LAVA Forum [...]

LOL ! :wub::wub:

Perhaps we need a pinned topic near the top of the front page of the forum "For Students Seeking Help With Homework" that reminds them of the guide and then threatens deletion of any homework hustles posted outside of that area.

I vote for that!

and if I am allowed to suggest an other title for that forum:

category "for students seeking help with homework"


- I have never used LabVIEW before, but have to develop a 400+ VI application within the next 3 weeks

- I have never seen the example finder, or even read the quick start tutorial, but I have no idea how this %"

I need to do any type of an experiment ( electric measurments ) in labview in cathegory with sound card as interface!
There is a company called Listen, Inc. in Boston, MA USA that has developed calibration tools based on LabVIEW and good quality sounds cards; SoundCheck.

Yeah, great. How does that help me with my project :question: Use a good speaker and a crappy mic, source a series of tones, then chart the sampled data over the source data. Many laptops have a built in mic as well as a mic port. Compare the built in to an external mic. Fart and burp sounds optional... :D


I used to be a farily active member of NI's discussion forums, but I was getting soooo swamped with trivial questions from people that either hadn't attempted to read the manual or work on it themselves. I don't mind newbies (university students or otherwise) asking questions on components of their systems, especially when it's obvious that they've tried to make it work but either just need help with that last 10% of the solution, or are after a better way of sompleting what they've already implemented. I've since pretty-much abandoned NI's discussion forums (I justify it to myself by saying that not only are there plenty of knowledgable folks on the forum that are simply itching to help out these people, but also because I've only got a small finite amount of time each day to devote to them - sure enough, I've got to earn a wage too and I'm pretty pressed for time as it is. I'd love to spend more time helping out at the NI forums, but I just can't).

So, I made the decison to switch to LAVA - partly because of the "Advanced" part of the LAVA acronym. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the high SNR here at LAVA. It's true - I'm elitist: I don't want to read posts from people that want to know how to put a control on their front panels - that's what manuals and NI's AEs are for on the NI forums.

To that end, I partly agree with Michael Ashe's idea of a notice pinned to redirect those wanting help with shool work - except that I'd redirect that link over to NI's discussion forums where there are heaps of people just bursting to help with those sort of questions.

In my company, I've created an internal list of LabVIEW related links to help out my developers, and each of those links has a description. It's sort of my personal thoughts on various resources - here's an excerpt:

NI Discussion Forums

These are the NI discussion forums where you can ask all sorts of questions relating to all NI products, as well as other engineering based domains. This forum can get a little overwhelming as it serves the very simple to the extremely advanced.

Info-LabVIEW Mailing List

This is a sentimental favorite of mine - it's an email-based list server where you can ask questions and get answers from LabVIEW peers. It's not NI based, so it's not censored (eg: last year a fairly heated discussion broke out regarding NI licensing policies). It's available in a daily digest which is pretty convenient. You can search previous posts using http://www.searchview.net (you can go waaaaaay back and see old posts from me when I didn't know a polymorphic selector from an object class browser...)

LAVA User Group

This is where I spend most of my time: LAVA (LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects), which is a user forum supported by the absolute best of the best - these are the guys who can do just about anything. That said, as the name suggests, it's an ADVANCED group, so posting here can easily irritate the Gods and invite a pox on your family name for all eternity. Seriously though, a good place to start is to read old posts and maybe lurking for a while (a few months at least) before diving into this one. Also: this site has an extremely important resource for those starting out in LabVIEW: the unofficial LabVIEW FAQ! It's a great place to find all those odd tidbits and an important place to check out after you've been programming for a wee while.

:!: it'd be great if new users we forced to lurk (limited access to posting) for a few months after they joined unless they could provide proof that they know what they are talking about... Awww, maybe I'm being too elitist now... Either way, I'd still like some method of pushing newbies over to NI's forums to start with - I truly beleive that they'll get better support over there, and then come back here once they've progressed and are taking LabVIEW seriously.

:question: Otherwise, LAVA will just become just like NI's forum, and we don't really want that, do we?

I used to be a farily active member of NI's discussion forums, but I was getting soooo swamped with trivial questions from people that either hadn't attempted to read the manual or work on it themselves. [...]

me, too ...

So, I made the decison to switch to LAVA - partly because of the "Advanced" part of the LAVA acronym. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the high SNR here at LAVA. It's true - I'm elitist: I don't want to read posts from people that want to know how to put a control on their front panels - that's what manuals and NI's AEs are for on the NI forums.

me, too ...


LAVA User Group

This is where I spend most of my time: LAVA (LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects), which is a user forum supported by the absolute best of the best - these are the guys who can do just about anything. That said, as the name suggests, it's an ADVANCED group, so posting here can easily irritate the Gods and invite a pox on your family name for all eternity. Seriously though, a good place to start is to read old posts and maybe lurking for a while (a few months at least) before diving into this one. Also: this site has an extremely important resource for those starting out in LabVIEW: the unofficial LabVIEW FAQ! It's a great place to find all those odd tidbits and an important place to check out after you've been programming for a wee while.

in the name of all other Gods here, I want to thank you for saying this :-) :wub::wub:


you can get some help in the example finder: help--> find examples (search for sound ...)

or take a look at this: SoundCard Example


Hello people!

Thank you for your answers...

Well what can I say... double thanx to pbrooks100 since his post actually can help me!

also I agree that you should make subforum for newbies where they/we can ask "stupid" questons.

Answer to briliant idea of fark analisys... no comment , you could just save your time and just skip my question ;) also I'm collage student so I don't have classmates, what's another reasonthat this idea can't work :D

I was not trying to "get my homework done" since this is NOT my homework. That actually means I WANT to learn something if I kill my free time on Lava/labview! It was all about asking you to give me some ideas/examples that can show me what I'm ABLE to do in Labview and to get me going.... since examples are best way to learn.

Yes I have checked examples in context of sound card usage in lab. but it was not what I was looking for...so I asked you.

Also I did "use the search" and actually found one interesting topic but I couldn't open attached Vi... another reason to ask.

Sorry for asking....thanx anyway once again :thumbup:


Hello people!

Answer to briliant idea of fark analisys... no comment , you could just save your time and just skip my question ;) also I'm collage student so I don't have classmates, what's another reasonthat this idea can't work :D

I've never heard of a college student who did not have classmates unless they lived off campus and took only correspondence courses. Your initial question, the way it was framed and the fact that it was your first post to the forums was typical of what we call "Homework Hustlers". Several other HHs have received much sharper treatment by others (not myself) on this forum in the past. Be glad that I got to you first.

Secondly, although it was an attempt to be humorous, the Fart Analyser carries the seed of something you really could use as a learning experience. See below

I was not trying to "get my homework done" since this is NOT my homework. That actually means I WANT to learn something if I kill my free time on Lava/labview! It was all about asking you to give me some ideas/examples that can show me what I'm ABLE to do in Labview and to get me going.... since examples are best way to learn.

Yes I have checked examples in context of sound card usage in lab. but it was not what I was looking for...so I asked you.

Also I did "use the search" and actually found one interesting topic but I couldn't open attached Vi... another reason to ask.

Okay, lets go back to the FA and just replace the input with something more politically acceptable and change the analysis.

Do you play a musical instrument? A guitar or trombone, etc would be perfect. Not a keyboard, but something where the notes are not precise. You could use the sound card outputs to:

  1. Create a Metronome - with menu or button selectable time and pitch properties
  2. Guitar Tuner Tool - have the sound card listen as you hit notes to tune the guitar. Perform filtering and frequency analysis followed by a lookup table. Display the name of the note closest to the input sound, show how far you are off in frequency and give an indication of what direction to tune in, up or down, and for bonus points eventually have the program estimate how much to turn the guitar peg, 1 turn, 1/4 turn, etc.
  3. Perform further analysis and show the harmonics in the note from your musical instrument.
  4. Add the ability to output a limited number of notes based on a key being pressed. Then add sharps and flats based <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys.
  5. Make the last item scriptable based on simple text input or a text file, one note per line.
  6. Modify the scripting to allow chords of 3-4 notes and modify the file input to use spreadsheet strings, one row per chord.
  7. Wrap this up in a aesthetically pleasing musical themed GUI.
  8. Create an executable and installer (assuming you have those tools in LabVIEW)
  9. Sell or better, give away as open source.
  10. Document the above, including using events in LabVIEW to key into a compiled help file (*.chm)

The above is somewhat practical, you'd learn a lot of real world engineering in the process. If you want something else, modify the above to create a vibration analyser. Hold the microphone against a motor driven machine, record the sound/vibration and then analyse for frequencies, power, etc. Then do something to the machine to make the motor or moving parts load a bit and see if you can separate out the changes in the sound/vibration.

I suggest the two items above: music tool & vibration tool because they both use a microphone as input so there is less chance of your blowing your sound card input, which is easy to do. If you insist on tinkering with circuitry for your sound card inputs, try making some signal conditioning first to limit/clip any input that goes over 90% of the input limit of your card.

As a last idea, try to make a voice recognizer. I do not mean picking out words, but one which, given a specific sentence as input could match with prerecorded files and decide if it was you, or one of your friends. Again, practical, Biometrics are big these days.

Good luck.

(Oh come on, admit it, if you were not frustrated at not getting good ideas you'd think the Fart Analyzer was a gas :laugh: and it has the side benefit of giving you and your friends an excuse for a :beer: (beer) or two to create test data.)

(NOTE: To admin, I used the beer smiley above, but it is coming out book or angry. )

Okay, lets go back to the FA and just replace the input with something more politically acceptable and change the analysis.

hmm ... nice idea. if you need default input for testing, try this: CreateFarts.com :-D


Hello once again!

@ Michel

I c that my first post looks like just hustling.... but it was just wrong choice of words/sentences, my fault!

Also I don't attack you at all... actually sometimes I react much worse when newbies ask dumb and "wanna it all without tears" questions on my teritory ( which is music heheheh ) on one totally different forum.... musical one. that's why I added "don't wanna insult you with my knowlage" line in first post...

So Michael ,you can asume that i DO play guitar/keys and I'm also sound ingineer what makes your Ideas fit perfectlly :yes:

I just can say double thanx Michael!!!

Also I forgot to thank to I2dx for his attachement before :)

This turned afterall to be of great help for me, what gives a sense to this topic :!:

All the best for you, my Labviewers :beer:


I expect 2% royalties off all your profits above $100 million euro ...

AND an autographed copy of your next DVD

AND that if you actually write this stuff up in LabVIEW that you share (consisely) your experience with the group.

If the above sounds like to high, then if I'm ever in your country I email and settle for a :beer:

I expect 2% royalties off all your profits above $100 million euro ...

hey, and what is about me? If this is now the beginning of "kenjo enterprises" (maybe be a 20 billion dollar company in 2010)?

I wrote the solution. ;)

BTW: PWM with DIOs is somewhat cool. I only used them for relays, etc before ...

I wrote the solution. ;)
i2dx; if you wrote the solution, then I should get MORE because I provided a business plan! Sales and Marketing make the big bucks, so I'll take 5% please... :D

I also expect an office befitting a pointy haired boss, and will need a car allowance and my golf fees paid. Wait, I don't golf...

i2dx; if you wrote the solution, then I should get MORE because I provided a business plan! Sales and Marketing make the big bucks, so I'll take 5% please... :D

that's why we call the sales people "ferengis" in Germany! :D


I'll ponder over the ideas raised in this thread...

One thing I also want to add. Please everyone (Students and Otherwise), Add a decent title and description to your posts. Would you open an email that had the title: "help needed...please" probably not. Obviously you need help, be more specific. Skimming the title helps everyone weed out the noise. Also, the act of writing a title forces you to organize your thoughts.

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