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[CR] Convert between ASCII and Unicode

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  • 4 months later...

In 'Convert Unicode to ASCII.vi', I don't think the increment should be there.

Feeding the results of 'Convert ASCII to Unicode.vi' into 'Convert Unicode to ASCII.vi' should give back the original string.

Pat Lavezza

  Mikkel said:
What about this solution?

That algorithm is much faster than the original one - thanks! (I always forget about that bloody interleve thing!) I've updated the submission :)

  crelf said:
That algorithm is much faster than the original one - thanks! (I always forget about that bloody interleve thing!) I've updated the submission :)

I actually hadn't noticed that you could resize 'Replace Array Subset' for use on several elements before - as you used it in the original code.

You learn - or relearn - something every day :D

-Mikkel :)

  jpdrolet said:
What about these solutions ?


In my crude 'benchmark' your ASCII->UNICODE is actually slightly slower that my solution.

But yours does have a higher 'coolness/simplicity'-score :thumbup:

-Mikkel :)

  jpdrolet said:
What about these solutions ?


Your UNIcode -> ASCII doesn't check that the first character is a \00 (if it is, then it's part of an extended character set and hence non-ASCII).


It seems unlikely that your UNICODE-->ASCII works given all the possible UNICODE encodings. I say this, not because I'm an expert in Unicode, but because I know how much I don't know. For example,


This is an open source ASCII-->UNICODE-->ASCII tool. Notice the revision history? This simple tool has a change log that goes for pages and talks about support for multiple encodings, etc. Further, the standards document for unicode has *chapters*. Compare that with your standard listing of the ASCII standard, which is just a table of 256 characters.

Here's the motherload of information about unicode:


  Aristos Queue said:
It seems unlikely that your UNICODE-->ASCII works given all the possible UNICODE encodings. I say this, not because I'm an expert in Unicode, but because I know how much I don't know.

You're absolutely right - my submission only works for the 7bit ASCII page, not any of the extended or other pages (it actually checks that the UNIcode input is convertable to the 7bit page). As you suggest, a code snippet that covers all pages would be comprehensive indeed.

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