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Closed Loop Control without PID Toolkit?


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I was wondering if anyone here could share some advice about closed loop control with or without the NI PID Toolkit in LabVIEW.

I have an analog output replacing a potentiometer on a current control module. Previously the current draw potentiometer was set on the current control module to a value between 0-100 (reading on front of pot).

If the operator set the value to "50"... as temperature and other factors changed, the machine would drift and the current draw setting on the pot (0-100 range) would no longer be valid.

I would like to control an analog output (0-10V) to maintain a constant current draw in the system. The feedback is from an analog input via a torque sensor. The frequency of the control is on a cycle basis (once a minute). Any advice?


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*shudder* A job I worked at a few years ago had 6 or 7 engineering staff write a test execution engine a lot like TestStand, but with *far* less functionality (c'mon - who can say they've never been tempted?) Sure, I learned a lot from the experience, but management's justification was that they'd already got the $ to employ us and could justify the $ to buy TestStand. Talk about short short sighted: it took us about 9 - 10 months, and the final product, although functional, was never really used: the office I was in closed and they laid all of us off :) I certainly hope that isn't the way your company is going ;)

That said, I think your best bet is to write it yourself. If you remember your high school math (integration and differentiation) it shouldn't be toooo hard. There a good explination here.

Has anyone else here already done it and has an example to share?

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Has anyone else here already done it and has an example to share?

NI has already done it and has an example to share, even for those who don't have the PID toolkit:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\examples\daq\solution\control.llb\simple PID.vi (also available in LabVIEW 8.0)

Or you can find this in the Example Finder under Hardware Input and Output -> Traditional DAQ -> Solutions -> PID and Alarm Controllers -> Simple PID Demo

It's not as elegant as the one in the PID toolkit but does the same thing.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys!

I have a project on LABVIEW. I'm using LABVIEW v8.2.

My project is based on temperature control of a mulitvariable thermal system using PID. I just know the basic of basics in LABVIEW. I have searched online for help, but couldn't find much help. Do you guys know any site where it shows teaches how to create a PID control from scratch, or can any of you guys help me out?

Any help would be appreciated.

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QUOTE (ned @ Aug 21 2006, 07:28 PM)

NI has already done it and has an example to share, even for those who don't have the PID toolkit:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\examples\daq\solution\control.llb\simple PID.vi (also available in LabVIEW 8.0)

Or you can find this in the Example Finder under Hardware Input and Output -> Traditional DAQ -> Solutions -> PID and Alarm Controllers -> Simple PID Demo

It's not as elegant as the one in the PID toolkit but does the same thing.

I don't find it in LABVIEW 8.2. Any suggestions?

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QUOTE (blitzkrieg @ Nov 8 2008, 02:57 AM)

I tried all that, I have searced for PID, it showd 36 results all of which require the PID Control ToolKit. So if anyone has the PID example of LABVIEW 8.2 which does not require the PID Control Toolkit, can you post it up? it would be appreciatied!

It's not difficult to write one yourself - think of it as a functional global.

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QUOTE (ned @ Nov 7 2008, 10:18 AM)

Open the Example Finder and search for PID; there are several DAQmx PID examples that don't require the PID toolkit.

Oops, my apologies. While there are several DAQmx examples with "PID" in the name that show up in a search, it turns out that none of them actually contain a PID implementation, they all only implement proportional control.

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QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 9 2008, 05:35 PM)

True, but often P is all you need. :)

This is quite dependant on the system. i found that for most, actually I is all you need. P is for first estimation and D serve as first order correction.

I never used the PID toolkit, and always developed mines alone. here is an overall simple approach you could try:

X= value wanted

X1= value wanted - actual value

X2= previous X1

correction parameter = AX+BX1 +C(X1-X2)

A,B and C are the weight you are going to put on each of the element, in order to reach target value.

I propose you activate them in steps, by first approaching solution with A, then correct for constant offset with B. you might have to tune down A quite a bit doing so. finally, minimise fluctuations with C. You will want to keep C at a minimum level.

implementing in LV is elementary.


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Basically, I'm in my last year of instrumentation engineering and we have to do a project. The topic assigned was a computer oriented project, in which I have to demonstrate any experiment on a computer software. The only software I was thought, and too only there bare basics, was LABVIEW. I was given 1 week to submit my projet

outline, and I had to search online for an experiment. I eventually got one ( thanks to Alberto Leva) which is based on a multivariable thermal system.

I know how the system works very well, the problem I'm facing is how to implement it in LABVIEW. The block diagram is very challenging, and requires years of experience to get it done properly.

Since I know the basics, and the fact that I need to submit the simulation soon, I request any of this forum members to help me build on this project. Any help will be appreciated be it big or small.

I have uploaded the overview of the experiment ( diagrams, equations, how the front panel should look finally ) and the LABVIEW VI (what I have completed so far).

Im using LABVIEW 8.2.

Details of the experiment

LABVIEW 8.2 VI so far

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It's been awhile since I finished my Analogue and Digital Control subject but I think i did heard about the I controller.

However I havent got a chance to do that at Uni/ work. I mainly use P, PI or PD. P is ofcourse the one that you starting with

and most of the case you will received responses from the system and have a better understanding of the system before using

any of the other actions like I or D depends on on desired criteria/ specs. I reckon PI are most used, since derivative action is very sensitive to measurement noise, and the absence of an integral value may prevent the system from reaching its target value due to the control action. (from wiki).

As Clelf said, it is not too hard to implement it in LV, just abit of work, and i think that would be fun to do as well as it is a part of ur project.

follow this pseudocode:previous_error = 0integral = 0 start: error = setpoint - actual_position integral = integral + error*dt derivative = (error - previous_error)/dt output = Kp*error + Ki*integral + Kd*derivative previous_error = error wait(dt)goto startGood luck mate

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QUOTE (blitzkrieg @ Nov 7 2008, 11:57 PM)

I tried all that, I have searced for PID, it showd 36 results all of which require the PID Control ToolKit. So if anyone has the PID example of LABVIEW 8.2 which does not require the PID Control Toolkit, can you post it up? it would be appreciatied!

Here is a VI you can try. I found it in our "sandbox" and cleaned up (quite a bit believe it or not :) ). The sandbox is what we call the directory where potentially useful yet not yet used code gets stuck and forgotten. I haven't tested it to see if it works, but it looks promising.

Saved for LV 8.0


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