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image tracking

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hi every body...

I am new user of Labview, I have a projet to do in Coventry University.

I want to track a Region Of Interest(for example: rectangle) and have his coordinate when I move it.

I can now snap, grab or have sequence of images but I can not track the motion

I need help, please can some body help me?

thx :worship:



Thank you Chris,

I have an IMAQ 1411 card, and I tried do make some thing but without result, I can snap, grab ou acquire image but I can not track ROI in motion!!! I don't know wich function I should use??!! :headbang:

see in attached files a screen shot of what i did or what i want to do.


I have an IMAQ 1411 card, and I tried do make some thing but without result, I can snap, grab ou acquire image but I can not track ROI in motion!!!

Thanks for the screenshot. I can see that you captured the image, and setup an roi.

Do you have the Vision Development Module (IMAQ)? The pattern matching functions will be installed with that toolkit. There are also examples of how to do pattern matching over time.


I have many functions in Vision and Motion, I always look in the help, to understand what all function do, but I don't know which one must be combine to obtain what I want :wacko:



Look at the pattern matching example. Its located in the following location

<LabView Directory>\examples\Vision\2. Functions\Pattern Matching

With this example you will see how to match a pattern. You will have to snap one image, learn that pattern, then snap another image and look for that pattern in the new image.

You should take a look at the IMAQ also known as the Vision Development Module to do this task. You could also check out IVision, or the C code its based on OpenCV. If you decide to use IMAQ or IVision and run into trouble, you can post again with code samples / snapshots and we can try to help you more then. If you decide to use OpenCV it has its own forum to ask questions.

sorry to interrupt !

I have a trouble! how to achieve the Camshift arithmetic use Labview IMAQ Vision. I find it in the OpenCV ,but in LabVIEW,I do not achieve it! Please give me some advice! :headbang:


For tracking of objects, in this case people, you might want to look at the Reading People Tracker project.

It includes the theory and algorithm development. You can download the source code. Googling on "Reading People Tracker" will get you a lot of examples of what others have done with this code after they got it to compile.

I should add that it is not LabVIEW code, it's text based, but it should give you a good foundation on some of the practicalities of tracking multple irregular objects and features on those objects, that you can translate into LabVIEW.

Good luck!

For tracking of objects, in this case people, you might want to look at the Reading People Tracker project.

It includes the theory and algorithm development. You can download the source code. Googling on "Reading People Tracker" will get you a lot of examples of what others have done with this code after they got it to compile.

That's good! :thumbup:

Thank you very much!

That's good! :thumbup:

Thank you very much!

You are very welcome. By the way, if you do come up with something interesting in LabVIEW as a result, it would be nice if you would post it here on LAVA.

Again, good luck.


Thx Chris for you help, it's working now :thumbup:

I have just a litle problem, I have an object like checkerboard, and I track the black box (100 box), I need to have their coordinate, in array or some thing like that, but it's give me just one ROI's coordinate!

di you have an idea to do that?



You should be able to make "Number of Matches" high (>100) and get the actual number of matches out of the IMAQ Match Pattern VI. Each match will have a cluster of information with contains its position.

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