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Modbus RTU & Labview (Berger Lahr Axle)


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Hy @ all!

I want to control a axle from Berger Lahr (Schneider Electric) with Modbus under

the environment LabView 8.20

Unitl now I have tried a lot to make the thing work...


... use the Modbus library respectively


Because of the fact that I am a greenhorn in connection with "Modbus", I am not sure how to

make the axle work, which busregisters I should use, ...

These are the files which are improtant for the task:

The VI (Attachment)


The Modbuslibrary


The Modbus Manual of the Axle/Contoller


I really hope, that you are able to help me

Thank you for your time

Greetings from Austria




Hallo Ihr!

Ich m

... I am not sure how to

make the axle work, which busregisters I should use, ...

Hello Harry,

Looking at the manual briefly, it doesn't list the Modbus addresses for the parameters explicitly anywhere. However, sections 5.4 and 5.5 do list some examples. In these sections, the register addresses are specified in paranthesis. You will want to contact the device manufacturer to get a complete of Modbus register addresses.

Gut gl



Thank you for your help... I managed it to find out the addresses... there

is a software tool which handles all the parameters of the axle and in this tool

there are all the addresses included.

Is there any VI in which I only have to put in the addresses and everything works?


Is there any VI in which I only have to put in the addresses and everything works?

Hello all,

in my firm, we have implemented ModBus Protocol (over serial and TCP connexion). You can download here an exe demo witch allow you to try communiction with your device... of course, it's not an implementation of NI modbus library, but perhaps it can help you...


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