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"Wait on Notification from Multiple" output values can be wrong on timeout

Jim Kring

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[CAR 45E9BHJ1]

The "Wait on Notification from Multiple" function seems to have a bug in how it sets "notifiers out" in the case of a timeout. If an instance of "Wait on Notification from Multiple" is called successively (for example, in a loop), calls that timeout will pass out notifiers (in "notifiers out") from previous calls which did not timeout. I would expect "notifiers out" to be an empty array if the function times out.

See "TEST - Wait on Notification from Multiple.vi" (attached) for an example that demonstrates this bug. In this example, "Wait on Notification from Multiple.vi" is called twice in a For Loop. On the first iteration a notification is successfully received and on the second iteration a timeout occurs. On the second (timeout) iteration, the value of "notifiers out" contains the notifiers that there fired on the first call. I would expect "notifiers out" to be an empty array if the function times out.

Download File:post-17-1168812196.vi

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