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LCD display using DAQ USB6008


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firstly, im stil new to LabVIEW actually...hope someone can help me out with my assignment recently...

thanks a lot for those who willing to help..

im trying to use the DAQ USB6008 to simulate a 16 x 2 character LCD display.

im using LabVIEW 8.5...

can anyone teach me how to simulate the LCD using LabVIEW and the DAQ USB6008 ?

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You said the word assignment. Good to own up to that because we'd know it without asking. It is the typical "not real work" stuff you see in a programming classes.

Not many of us care to do your school work for you, nor should we - it would be a diservice to your collegues who are doing it alone. Showing us an attempt at your own work will help a lot in getting help. You should begin by introducing yourself to the help, tasks, search, and example code in LabVIEW. Also the knowledge bases at ni.com. Everything you need is there.

I suggest you start out by creating the Front Panel first - the indicators and controls you want to use. That is often the first step in working for the customer type work. It will help you sort out the indicators and controls you will need. Then a block diagram or functional description that is a bit more than you gave.


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