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Tooheys Old-Drinking UTS Graduates


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QUOTE (Minh Pham @ Nov 4 2008, 11:30 AM)

Surprisingly there are many aussies in this site ! :beer:

and surprisingly the questionee is not comming back to his/her thread

Right back atchya! :beer:


QUOTE (jgcode @ Nov 8 2008, 04:32 AM)

That deserves another beer :beer:

I'll drink to that :beer:

PS: on my recent trip downunder, I wasn't able to get to my home state (New South Wales), but I was thankfully able to find my favorite beer (Tooheys Old) on draught in Melbourne. The bar chick told me that you can get both Tooheys Old and Extra Dry on tap all over Melbourne now - it's good to see that Victorians are starting to come to their senses...


QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 10 2008, 12:40 AM)

I'll drink to that :beer:

PS: on my recent trip downunder, I wasn't able to get to my home state (New South Wales), but I was thankfully able to find my favorite beer (Tooheys Old) on draught in Melbourne. The bar chick told me that you can get both Tooheys Old and Extra Dry on tap all over Melbourne now - it's good to see that Victorians are starting to come to their senses...

Oooo I used to drink Tooheys Old on tap at Uni and always got strange looks from everyone... they were too young to appreciate the quality of ye dark ale.

So I will drink to that :beer:


QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 10 2008, 02:32 PM)

The world is so small, I graduated from UTS 2 years ago. Cheers mate ! :beer:


QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 10 2008, 12:32 PM)

Haven't seen those around here but...

I can't stop raving about Weihenstephan.

The Tradition and the Dunkel are great dark beers.


QUOTE (Minh Pham @ Nov 10 2008, 12:46 AM)

The world is so small, I graduated from UTS 2 years ago. Cheers mate ! :beer:

Really? What faculty? I graduated from the Science\Physics faculty (it's not important when :) ) on the Broadway campus. Does the bar still have the cheapest beer in Sydney? My wife (Information Science faculty) started at the Kurringai campus and the moved to the Broadway campus for here final two years.

note: OK - we've hijacked this thread so much, I just had to split it into it's own thread :)


QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 11 2008, 04:24 AM)

Really? What faculty? I graduated from the Science\Physics faculty (it's not important when :) ) on the Broadway campus. Does the bar still have the cheapest beer in Sydney? My wife (Information Science faculty) started at the Kurringai campus and the moved to the Broadway campus for here final two years.

note: OK - we've hijacked this thread so much, I just had to split it into it's own thread :)

I was in Engineering (Electrical sub majoring in Telecommunication Engineering) on Broadway campus. I would think the beer in here is still the cheapest and there are many activities, happy hour, pool comp, etc... to help us stay awake sometimes. I should give it a visit tomorrow nite with couple of mates then.


Comeon you lot, man up and drink some real beer.

XXXX Bitter, none of that Tooheys crap.

Mind you last time I was in Sydney I could't find any "real" beer, so had to force my self to drink Scotch instead (it was such a hard task :D ).


QUOTE (Maca @ Nov 12 2008, 10:57 AM)

Comeon you lot, man up and drink some real beer.

XXXX Bitter, none of that Tooheys crap.

Damn, XXXX? Around here you get beat up for drinking that s@#t!


QUOTE (Maca @ Nov 11 2008, 08:57 PM)

Comeon you lot, man up and drink some real beer. XXXX Bitter, none of that Tooheys crap.

Real Austrlain's wouldn't give a XXXX for anything out of the Castlemain "brewries", if you can call them that :P


QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 12 2008, 02:23 PM)

Real Austrlain's wouldn't give a XXXX for anything out of the Castlemain "brewries", if you can call them that :P

Godamn Queenslanders! ;)



Just don't know whats good for them.


Sorry also forgot to mention the DAM WA'ANS


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