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Getting to type def to to load dynamically at run time....

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Hello Everyone,

Hopefully I can explain the problem well enough for someone to help me....

So here is the issue. I have a type def that is used in a few places in my app. The type def is a text ring which needs to be loaded at runtime. All the elements for the text ring come from reading a text file that holds the names of the devices I am trying to control. This file gets edited from time to time. Things are added and deleted so that is why I want this type def to change based on what is in the file. As it stands right now, it works fine in edit/debug mode. Once I compile it, it does work anymore. The only elements that show up are the default items but nothing from the list.

So what is the deal here? I have read the documentation it looks to me that it should work.

Any help on whether or not this can be done would be much appreciated.

Here is my specs:

OS X 10.5.5

LV 8.6



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QUOTE (tarek316 @ Dec 15 2008, 12:50 PM)

I have a type def that is used in a few places in my app. The type def is a text ring which needs to be loaded at runtime.

Once I compile it, it does work anymore. The only elements that show up are the default items but nothing from the list.

I have read the documentation it looks to me that it should work.

From the documentation, it looks like if its a strict type def it will not update when you write to the Strings Property.

Are you sure it even works in development mode?


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A type def for a ring only defines the datatype (whether the ring is I32, U8, or whatever). So even in the development environment I don't see how updating the typedef itself will update the many callers that reference that typedef. It you make it a strict typedef, then it will include the items, but then the "Strings[]" property will not work as the previous poster said. So I'm not sure how it is working in the development environment. You might want to double check that it is updating all instances of the Text Ring and not just the one instance that you have opened the reference to.

I think the reason that it works in the development environment but not as a built exe is that the path to the file of ring items has changed. Of course this is me guessing.

I don't know of any way to update ring items other than either 1) Obtain a reference to each text ring control and update each one individually. or 2) Make an XControl that is a text ring that will update itself from a file.

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