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  1. See below, but first a couple caveats. 1) Proceed at your own risk! (okay, it's not really all that risky) 2) May the LabVIEW gods forgive me for stirring up and digging through the bones. Please don't smite me! I agree that talking to Jeff would be the better, official way to go, but... for those who like to play around, I offer the following: After digging around the VIs in the PreferencesDialog folder, you can see the inputs to the Preferences Dialog VI: You'll notice the inputs to the VI, which presumably are passed from the LabVIEW IDE when the dialog is launched. Three of them seem to be of particular interest: props, page VIs paths, & initial page VI. The two path inputs are pretty self explanatory, but props is an unknown. If you create a constant from it, it is identified as a TagSet/PropertyBag refnum, so presumably it is some type of property collection. As these inputs come from the IDE, it doesn't seem possible to add our own page into the list, until you stumble across this VI: It has those same three inputs. Hmmm... We can't edit this VI, but we could rename it and substitute our own in its place. Yea, I know, that's a little sneaky So making several assumptions we can try the following steps: 1) Rename optionsFrame_GetPageTitles.vi to something else 2) Create a new VI and call it optionsFrame_GetPageTitles.vi 3) Call the original version from your new custom version 4) Create all the Controls/Indicators from the original, use the same connector pane, and wire them up 5) Create your new property page from the template. 6) Through whatever mechanism you choose, insert the path to your new page into the page VIs Paths input Save & close the VIs. Open the prefs dialog. Ha! Failure. You get an error saying the page VIs Paths array and the props array are not of equal size. Well, what to do now? Not knowing what goes into props and a loss for anything else, I added the following step: 7) Index off an element of props (I used 0) and add it to the end. Save and Close. Open prefs dialog. Success it would appear! My page now shows up in the list. This is all the farther I investigated. I didn't try to make any custom page, I just used the template as is. I didn't try and see if I could get any settings saved and have them loaded back in. In fact, I get an error when closing the dialog. So I don't know if you can get the framework to take care of saving/loading settings for you without digging further into it. You might need to manage the load/save yourself. But at least you can have your custom settings page accessible from the built-in preferences dialog. Good luck and let us know if you find out anything more. -Scott
    3 points
  2. For those of you that are curious, I want OpenG to be a "Compatible with LabVIEW" product (ni.com/compatiblewithlabview). Part of the compatibility requirements are customer references, and after speaking with the OpenG founder, we decided the best way to get those references was from directly from the user base (enter: LAVA). As a Compatible with LabVIEW product, OpenG should be exposed to wider audience, which is good for OpenG and LabVIEW - and by extension, you and me
    2 points
  3. Name: Advanced Database Query Submitter: Bruno Costa Submitted: 01 Jun 2010 File Updated: 03 Jan 2011 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 8.6 License Type: BSD (Most common) Description: This component automatizes the work of: format sql statement, execute sql query and build a cluster with data output. This function accept a sql statement with parameters like format into string and you can resize this function to the number of input parameters. The output data can be a cluster or an array of cluster defined double clicking on function. How to use: Wire db connection input. Wire sql statement with parameters like format into string function. Resizes the function with the number of parameters into sql statement, If the sql statement produces data output, double click on function to Edit columns of data outuput. Requirements: Database conectivity toolkit Scripting tools This function isn't 100% complete. It's need to complete some abilities and code improvements. If anyone want help me, be welcome. My email is bitcosta@ig.com.br Click here to download this file
    1 point
  4. Congrats, I see your new sub-VI has error handling implemented (Diaper). . Shane.
    1 point
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