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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2011 in all areas

  1. It seems to me that diagram cleanup is the scapegoat in this situation (why isn't it the evil kid who pressed Ctrl-S on code that wasn't his?). The scapegoat could have just as easily been the Delete key, the Backspace key, a case structure wrapped around the code then removed with an empty case showing, etc. etc. Once Ctrl-S is pressed after any of these actions, you're screwed unless you (1) have a readily available backup of your code or (2) are able in a future LabVIEW version to undo after save. Since it's not August 2011 yet, I vote for the readily available backup of your code. The situation you described really sucks, Crystal, but let's not vilify a feature that isn't being forced on the user in any way by LabVIEW itself, but instead was improperly used in a special circumstance.
    1 point
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