Yes, I was refering to this palette (to both registers and block memory... even FIFO if you need them).
Also they do not apply to a single VI but to a single target (you can not define a bloc memory for a single FPGA VI, it physically does not really make sense as the VIs don't exist after compiling no more). If you need to, you can pass their reference as parameter to a sub-vi.
I am not sure about what you mean with "Would I need a different top level vi for each target, since each target has to define its own resources?". If the question is "do I need to create a different "[FPGA]" for each target?", the answer is no. It is not a need (and it is the main advantage about thos functions). Theoretically, you can simply copy the VIs to another target, compile and it should work. However it is depending of the ressource usage. A spartan 3 and a spartan 6 do not have the same ammount of slices, gate, LUT and memory available. If you try to use more memory than available, the compilation will fail. However this problem is the same when you create the register and memories in the project explorer.