Hello Hooovahh;
You hit a nerve on the event structure. We are currently looking at the best way to implement it and are not sure yet if it will make it to the first release. That one is the challenge for the front panel stuff. Just like the Arduino Compatible Compiler for LabVIEW, we are interested in getting something in the hands of the community as soon as possible and let the feedback guide the short term feature set. However, since the Pi is MUCH more powerful than Arduinos, there will be less limitations than on the compiler for Arduinos. Just to cite a few, we will have parallel threading right off the bat, so a typical producer consumer is fair game, with queues and multiple loops in parallel. That is how the Vib Monitoring demo I mentioned was implemented and is working.
We probably won't have property/invoke nodes, and the synchronization primitives (notifier, rendevous, etc); and as far as data types, I don't think we will have waveform. But will have clusters/typedefs. Won't support LVOOP. These limitations are for the first release and it is not to say they won't make it later. Other than that, I don't see other big limitations for the first launch. Don't take this as set in stone yet as we are about 4 months away from release, so the final feature set will become clear a little later. In the last couple of weeks, it has been all about NIWeek week prep, but we will hit it hard again once that is past us.
As far as pricing, we haven't decided yet, but don't think it will deviate much from what we did for the Arduino one. Still TBD at this time though.