Hey LAVAmaniacs!
It's been a while since I poked at the LAVA server. There seems to be a lot cobwebs and dust in the server room. The LAVA software hasn't been updated in a couple years. That's way too long. I'm going to jump in and see what I can do about upgrading the LAVA back-end to the latest and greatest. This will fix many issues.
Last time I tried this, it failed and I had to revert back. I didn't plan on it failing and didn't allocate time for getting tech support from Invision. This time I'm planning for the upgrade to fail and then getting Invision support involved. This means the site might be offline for a few days beyond the weekend. Sorry, but it's a small pain we have to go through for long-term stability and security.
Don't worry though. This time I have a crack team to help me out: