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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Thanks to hooovahh for posting information before I could get to it. Most of you already know me but for those of you who don't, you can always reach out to me directly if you have questions or concerns about LabVIEW. As he stated, the 2018SP1 installer was not complete and wasn't supposed to go live online when it did. Our apologies to everyone who downloaded it and found it to be incomplete. The issue with the installer has been fixed and we will release the finished product/installers soon. My personal apologies that our installers were so eager to get out the door and into your hands that they didn't wait for all of the final testing to be complete. When we do our next get together at the CLA conference, LV Champions call, NIWeek, or other LabVIEW-related event, feel free to come find me and let me know how we can best improve LabVIEW to help you.
    2 points
  2. After I made this post I decided to bring the LabVIEW Wiki back online. It was not easy and took several days of server upgrades and hacking. The good news is I was able to bring up all the original pages.. The even better news is I talked with @The Q and @hooovahh and we are all on the same page as to how to move forward. @The Q did a great job of stepping forward and trying to fill the void that the LabVIEW Wiki's absence had left. He's agreed to migrate all the new content he created over to the LabVIEW Wiki, from Fandom and continue to develop new articles and content moving forward on the new site. He will also help in moderating the Wiki and will be promoted to Admin rights on the Wiki. His help is much appreciated. The LabVIEW landing page created here on LAVA is awesome but the forums don't lend themselves to static content creation. Instead @hooovahh has agreed to move the old landing page to here. That will be the new home for the landing page. This will become a valuable resource for the community and I hope all of you start pointing new people in that direction. With many editors, it can only get better and better over time. Where do we go from here: Logging in. - The old accounts are still there. If you're a LAVA old-timer, then you can try to login using your LAVA username. If the password doesn't work then reset it. You can also create a new account here. I'm going to announce a day when new accounts can be created. I'm limiting it for now because of all the spam accounts that can be potentially created. There's an issue with the current Captcha system. if you are super-eager to start creating content now and want to help, send me a direct message on LAVA and I can manually create an account right away. - New account creation is now open. Permitted content: - I'm not going to put restrictions on content at the moment. Obvious vandalism or offensive\illegal content will not be tolerated of course. However, the guidelines will be adjusted as time goes on and new content is created. There's just not enough content right now to be overly concerned about this. We need content. Discussions about the Wiki. - Each article page has an associated discussions page where you can discuss issues related to that article. Please use that mechanism (same etiquette as wikipedia). General Wiki issues\questions and high level discussions can be done here. So now, if you need to add content, you can do it yourself. Feedback as always is welcome.
    1 point
  3. You need to have 3 levels. The first one is for the cheap bastards. The third one is for the rich bastards, and the middle one is for everyone else. You have to identify with one level.
    1 point
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