I got back to looking at the code today, I had forgotten but it looks like I did make the object thread-safe. All of the request-response calls are mutexed.
For giggles, I spent some time on it today and just pushed a few changes to a fork here: https://github.com/smithed/LabVIEW-Modbus-API
I didn't like how my old team did the transaction id fix, so thats one commit. The second commit is to fix the serial thing so the code is no longer nasty. For ascii I added a method to 'read until CRLF' to the network class. For RTU I added a cheat method which tries to guess how big the packet is. If the packet is unknown size, it risks a CRC collision but just polls whatever is at the port. It totally ignores the 3.5 char times nonsense now. I tested all 3 standard pairs on localhost, with the serial ports emulated using com0com. This isn't a perfect representation of real life, but it works ok.