I have the same board. This is what I did.
Download the RaspBerry Pi Imager v1.2 and used that to format a microSD card used for the Raspi. Select the first recommended OS: Raspbian
Boot up the Pi with keyboard and mouse. Walk through the startup config (installing updates, etc) and wifi setup. When asked to enter a new password, ignore this and just click next. Reboot as suggested.
Go to RaspBerry Pi configuration and on the Interfaces tab, enable SSH
Open a command prompt on raspi and type: sudo raspi-config
Select 7: Advanced
Select A1: Expand file system. (this will expand the file system if it's not already expanded)
In LabVIEW select from the Tools > MakerHub > LINX > LINX Target Configuration
Click the connection button and it should connect. Hostname: raspberrypi, username: pi, password: raspberrypi. These are all the defaults.
Click the Installation button.
Click the Update button on the installation page. it should go through the process of doing the update. At some point the raspi will reboot. this is part of the process. When the raspi reboots, the LINX target configuration dialog will lose connection and give an error. This is normal. it will take a while to reconnect. Eventually, it should come back. If not then click the Connection button and try to connect.
The Installation panel should now show the installed version:
Click on Launch Example.
In LabVIEW, right-click on the Raspberry Pi Target and select connect. This should should show the deployment progress dialog and after connection a small green indicator will appear in the target tree
You should be able to execute (run) the VI now.
Everything should be good to go now.
Sometimes you will try to connect, in the project, and then you will get an error not connecting. If that happens, just wait and try again. I find that the connection is more reliable if you use the IP address of the raspi instead of the DNS name. To specify an IP address, right-click on the Raspberry Pi target and select Disconnect. Then right-click again and select properties. In General, enter the IP address of the raspi. Then click OK. To find the IP address of the raspi, type: hostname -I in a raspi command prompt.
I think the reason why the log message states Raspberry Pi 2 B, is because the LINX toolkit is old and that message was probably not updated to handle all the new boards that have come out since release? Not sure. i'm getting the same message on my system even though the board is Pi3.