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  1. If you use Ctrl+Shift+D,|, it will enable logging DPrintf messages. Then you can do Ctrl+Shift+D,P to display a list with most of them: LabVIEW internal debug keys - Ctrl + Shift + D + one of the following | toggle DPrintfs. Currently on. : print global font table A check app heap B print TD dictionary stats D PrintDSStats E toggle QElement checking G toggle StripChart scroll/copybits H show/hide heap peek. I print heap text info J rebuild all malleable instance VIs in current VI's context L prints linker graph viz info M toggle memory checking. N show Ned, the friendly debug options dialog O toggle drawing on/offscreen P prints out this list Q toggle show nonIP terms. currently off R print VI Server info S print net connection table T toggle print compile stats. currently off U toggle sanity checking. currently on for compile/save V print all OLE Variants W show window monitor X toggle new Preferences dialog Z print execution and eventQ status { compact DS now. } toggle gUseNativeFontSizing currently %s " print HeapTextRec line table. ~ toggle unattended mode < toggle clump display (use ctrl-shift arrow keys to cycle thru clumps) & print heap text font runs _ wireframe 3D controls > ActiveX Control Property Browser **** NOTE **** Debug keys are preceded by Ctrl+Shift+D !!!!! **** e.g. Ctrl+Shift+D+N shows the debug options dialog. **** You have 3/4 of a second after hitting the D to hit the N There's a few missing, however. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+D,C makes LabVIEW check the "HedgesSpecialCrash" INI key, and presumably if it's set to some specific value (not True) it'll crash. (Edit: the value is 1, and yes, it crashes with "Hedges Special gDAbort".) Ctrl+Shift+D,+ checks the "FakeInsanity" key; I tried setting that to True but there wasn't any visible effect there either. (Edit: I set it to 1, and Ctrl+Shift+D,+ made it crash when I right click a terminal.) For me, Ctrl+Shift+D,: didn't display the font table, but it checked "HedgesSpecialDWarn". I think the options for this key are "single", "singleLots", "multiLots", and "multi100", though I only tried the first. As expected, it triggered an internal warning. There's also Ctrl+Shift+D,!, which DPrintf's output like this: DPrintfVIObjRefList: [VI "GSW.lvlibp:GettingStartedWindow.vi" (0x0000000006d107d0)] objRefList has 7 obj refs ....[00] (787480577) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006ce0318}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[01] (882901084) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006ce0408}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[02] (881852507) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006c89dc8}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[03] (880803930) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006c7c598}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[04] (883949661) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006cdfaf8}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[05] (879755353) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006cde5e8}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1 ....[06] (884998238) obroFlags=0x200c0000, viRefFlags=0x00000000, h/objID={h=0x0000000006996480,o=0x0000000006cde008}, subKind=0, subIdx=-1
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