@Porter @Antoine Chalons
There's some background info here. A few things.
Both of those libraries are branches of the Erdos Miller code.
However, I communicated all of my modifications to Antoine, who then re-implemented them in his library.
I have little intention of making additional changes to my branch.
Conversely, I suspect that Antoine intends to continue to support his branch, if only in a limited manner.
BlueTOMLSerializer is not just a TOML library. It was written as a TOML-based plugin for the BlueSerialization engine.
This is a large piece of code that handles serialization and deserialization of classes quite well.
The user can select an implementation of JSON, TOML, or other by choosing a different plugin library.
I fully intend to modify BlueTOMLSerializer to drop all the TOML code and directly consume Antoine's library as a dependency.
This, for example, is what I do for JSONtext.
Unfortunately, I'm waiting on a specific feature request to be implemented in Antoine's library:
Hope this helps