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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2012 in all areas

  1. Does anyone remember the object model of COM aka ActiveX? There's a base interface, IUnknown, that any COM object has to implement. IUnknown provides three methods: - QueryInterface() - AddRef() - Release() Interface hierarchies use single inheritance, but a COM object can implement multiple interface hierarchies. It can either implement them directly or aggregate other COM objects that implement them and expose these aggregated object via QueryInterface() to clients. Thus a single COM object can provide access to multiple and maybe unrelated interfaces. OK, that's COM. Let's get back to LV now. If we want interface inheritance in LV we have almost the same restrictions as above. We have single inheritance and if we want to support multiple unrelated interfaces we have to use aggregation. The COM object model can help us here. Let's take a look at IUnknown again. AddRef() and Release() are methods for reference counting and we all know that references are evil (well, not always, I know:-) so these won't be of much help. The interesting part is QueryInerface(). We can implement something in LV that very closely resembles that method. Imagine a dynamic dispatch VI that takes a LV object constant representing an interface, queries an internal repository of aggregates and returns the object that implements the desired interface. We don't even need to cast the result because we can use thralling. We can even relax the rules of the COM object model: The aggregated objects don't have to follow that model. They can be implemented using interface separation, the can be compound objects implementing QueryInterface() themselves but they can also be just LV objects with arbitrary bases. Here is an example implementation. Enjoy! candidus InterfaceProvider.zip
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