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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. Dammit... I spoke to soon - the build spec does get updated in the Pre-Build VI, but it only comes into affect on the NEXT build (so when I was testing it seemed to be working, as I was running it all over and over again ;) )

    I bet if I made a stand alone builder (like yours) it would all work, but trying to hook into the regular build action seems to be a failure (in this case)

    ...If only there were a way to get the ref to the running build spec...

    I haven't checked your new script, and this is just off the top of my head, but if the Pre-Build VI saves the Project, does the change persist for that time its run?

  2. That's sweet. I'm not a great fan of the app builder API either. At what point does the build.vi get executed? Is it run whenever you create a new project? (wasn't clear from the video which I had to scroll around to see...lol)

    In the video the build script gets run @ 0:30s mark - its when the VI comes into focus (and I hit run but unfortunately it was to the left, offscreen).

    Typically, you would run a build script like this anytime you want to create a build.

    The script will handle e.g. synchronizing an exe's version to an installer(s) version or maybe run tests, move files around to handle 2009's new layout and error 6 (which has been fixed in 2011!) etc...

    2010 released a feature where you can code pre/post build action VIs, I haven't checked these out in too much detail, and I already used to using a script

  3. So, I have a tricky, but theoretically simple goal... I would like to ensure that when I build packed library (or any other format of plugin / source distribution), that the build version is set to the same number of my top level library. This way, both within and outside labview I can have everything see the correct version number.

    Right now, I have to remember to set bot the lvlib/lvclass version number before running my build, so I started thinking "there must be a better way". I got a chunk of the way there, using various property nodes, and a Pre-Build VI, but I seem to be missing a few pieces of the puzzle.

    I have attached one of my attempts, in the hope that maybe one of you guys might be able to help me get to my goal here :)

    (I'm also open to tackling the problem from the other side, getting the build spec version and making the lvlib match)


    Hey Shaun

    I have an API for interacting with the project, I do similar things with builds for exes and installers so I thought I'd give PPL a go and see if it works.

    I was able to get it to go however, I don't use the AppBuilder_API (I have never really), instead I use PN's and set the XML tags.

    You should be able to replicate from this quick video:

    <object id="scPlayer" width="1150" height="815" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW%202010/media/37d3ee95-c471-4465-b73f-86cb2417a0c4/jingswfplayer.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW%202010/media/37d3ee95-c471-4465-b73f-86cb2417a0c4/jingswfplayer.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW%202010/media/37d3ee95-c471-4465-b73f-86cb2417a0c4/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=1150&containerheight=815&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW%202010/media/37d3ee95-c471-4465-b73f-86cb2417a0c4/Build%20PPL%20Build%20Spec.swf&blurover=false" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="scale" value="showall" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW%202010/media/37d3ee95-c471-4465-b73f-86cb2417a0c4/" /> Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. </object>

    • Like 1
  4. If you know any UTS alumni that might be a good candidate for the International Alumni Award, then I'm sure they're apprecaite you nominating them here... Maybe someone you know who, oh, I don't know, graduated their physics degree in 1995? Someone who is one of the administrators of the largest independant LabVIEW community in the world? Know anyone like that?

    We tick the Young Alumni Award box, right?


  5. Yes as I mentioned I posted it there a week ago. The NI sites don't seem to get as much discussion as Lava does so I thought I would post it here. I hope that is ok. I am starting to think it is a dumb question. :oops:

    Hi Steve

    No probs cross posting, it's just considered polite on forums to state that and to include a link in all cross threads so that anyone replying in one thread might not waste time repeating something on another thread; or for readers to find additional information etc...



  6. Yes, when not in the library it works fine. (It also works in 2010.) One of your earlier posts indicated you had it working in 9.0.1 even though it was in a project library... or did I misinterpret that?

    I still don't trust auto mutation enough to commit to binary strings. At least with xml the data is readable and relatively easy to recover should anything bad happen. My solution is to transfer the relevant class fields to a cluster and flatten that to xml. Kind of pain, but safer than auto mutation.

    Just for fun I just tried your code in 2011 and it seemed to work fine... ...upgrade time. shifty.gif

  7. Hi all,

    ...I have created a tool that I find very useful and from our meetings at the Cambridge Labview Users Group...

    Hi Christie

    Thanks for posting. cool.gif

    Following on from Yair, are you able to go into detail on how these VIs differ from the OpenG Variant Configuration API and MGI's Read/Write Anything VIs. Do you have a use case that is not met by the above VIs etc...?

    Additionally, are you able to post the VIs, they do not seem to have been attached.



  8. thank you for your reply.

    my problem is

    i able to create all the blocks on BD and inter connected except the input of subpanel(VI Ref) with output of invokenode(reference out).

    error is 1063 specified terminal not found on the object(invoke node).

    Sorry, misread your post. wacko.gif

    What I wrote was wrong anyways, I meant you to say you get an error (#1144) if the VI FP is open and you try inserting the VI.


  9. Yer, Tom let me know about the change he made to PPL in 2011. I think the 2011 Icon Editor API has now been posted. I am away at the moment but will check DL 2011 and check it out when I fly home.

    In the meantime, the LVOOP Assistant is not compatible with 2011 - but I guess what you get for using unsupported features. I would love to see the API officially released:


    Vote for this Idea to help out :)

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