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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. As for OpenG - that feature would require LabVIEW 2010. The next upgrade of the libraries are for 2009. So this question may pop up in the future (although given the feedback here on LAVA it seems that this feature needs some work).

    As for packages in general - end users install a package which contains dist code. They do not check in and out the code etc. I am not sure how this would affect the end user? Would it help with builds? Etc.

    I would like to see a discussion of the benefits here.

  2. Looks like I spoke too soon. Based on some beta feedback, and after discussing the issue further in-house, I will not be including these VIs in 2011. Hopefully, we'll see native support for the error terminals on the primitives themselves in a future LabVIEW version.

    Time for another campaign? :)

  3. Should LabVIEW Service Packs be a separate install and not an upgrade?

    I want to highlight this thread on the darkside as I think it is very interesting and would like to hear what others think here on LAVA.

    vadym']"We do ask for activation for SP1 because it is considered a separate release."

    Well, if so, it should be installd in a separete place.

    Othervice, I had to uninstall SP1 and reinstall LV2010, just becouse my lic expired and SP1 overwrite my working LV2010.

    Never had this problem before... confused by this update.

    It you consider it as a separate release, make it SEPARETE. But not overwriting my working LV2010 to find out I can't use it after.


    [/color]Please discuss.

  4. I am in the process of debugging an issue that only shows up on a built application. Obviously the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit is ideal for the job particularly after I sprinkle in some user defined messages. The question comes on the heels of my realizing that some of these messages needed to be placed in our re-use library VI's. For long term I can see where making these custom messages part of the re-use library could be useful should future issues arise but what is the unforeseen impact of leaving these messages in? Is there any worth worrying about?


    I guess the question I have here is that if a reuse library is tested and vetted code then why does it need DETT calls in it all time or is the dist version? (There may be a logical answer I am missing here).

    Anyways, I try and keep my reuse VIs lightly coupled. DETT is an add-on toolkit ($$) so sharing your VIs could be an issue however, if its company standard to have DETT always installed then this might not be a big deal internally.



  5. Also study gcode's project template. You will probably want to do some better error handling especially when dealing with comm ports and the fact that your device may or may not even be on. The error module in that project will work very well for you.

    Well, this is just an example template I use for teaching taken from NI Intermediate 1.

    Thought it may help in this case to describe exactly what you were talking about (using user event to communicate and error from consumer to producer).



  6. I think 8.2 also had issues building EXEs that contained LVOOP classes that used dynamic dispatching (name collision issues) - I recall having to have my classes in specific destination folders outside of the exe (pretty sure that was in 8.2).

    Good points.

    It wasn't until LV2009 that the AB had a makeover and due to a new internal file/folder layout, file collisions do not occur and are not stored outside of the EXE (looks real messy for clients).

    Now I may be smoking crack here, but I was under the impression that you couldn't built an EXE that contained LVOOP in 8.2 due to a number of issues (may it was certain features?) - you have to use 8.2.1? I tried googling and found this. Of course AQ would know best.

  7. Eitherway, I'm anxiously anticipating getting my results back so I can schedule my next attempt at it.

    Hey... ...that's confidence! blink.gif

    I am sure you will be fine, the exam feels harder than it is to pass IMHO.

    I'm curious, how are other people preparing for the CLA, besides of course the sample exam?

    I prepared by having a game plan, I mean if you are designing and coding as part of your job, you should be getting all the practice you need, right (except for the fact you don't have access to your tools, templates and reuse code etc...)?

    I had a chat to Omar before taking the exam and he summed it up best for me: Quite simply, start at a high level and get the framework down, then iterate over it as many times as you can adding detail (code or requirements) keeping in mind you don't have to code it - that's not the point of the exam. So I pretty much followed this top-down approach and it works well.



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