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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. Hi Neil

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Sorry, but I have no control over the CSS of the LavaCR site which is different to the standard Lava site. I have already editted the page, under Michael's direction, which clearly states to download the IE API - and mentioned the link style to him.

    Anyways, as above, the page says the Icon Editor API is in the ZIP distribution so no need to search around!

    So, does anyone read the 'readme' ? :)

  2. That sounds like it might be easier than scripting.

    In general I find scripting to be a pain to write. Once written it tends to be invaluable, although I find that most of the scripting I write tends to be very narrowly focused and address one specific use-case (maybe it's just me using poor programming practices and not being general enough.)

    Scripting is great - but you don't have to create a package and publish it to get an (internal) benefit from it.

    I suggest you check out Norm's Scripting Springboard - IMHO the fastest way to get a script going.

    I also like his philosophy on Scripting + Assumptions = Powerful Code.

    Sometimes, for a project, you just need something quick and dirty, if that does the job and saves you time doing in manually then it is fine that it is narrowly focused. :)

  3. Yes, but Why? I mean, I can see why FP controls that change their appearance need a copy of their data, but if the control doesn't change appearance why does the FP control need any data at all (other than type information obviously !) ?

    Actually that might be an interesting idea for debugging dynamic dispatch calls - if the FP controls and inducators changed appearance depending on the runtime type of object they were being passed. Then there'd be a good reason to pay for getting a copy of the data....

    Sure, you can't see it update in this case, but is still allocated memory e.g. to give you the option to cut and paste the data etc...


  4. Hang on a sec, so if I have a vi with only class object controls and indicators and leave the FP open, I take a performance hit updating the controls and indicators that don't change appearance by one RGB value of one pixel ?! Ouch.

    It obviously still makes a copy of the data to the FP Object (rather than being related to a graphical update) just like any other.

  5. I figured it out. I had loaded DAQmx 9.2.1 when I still had LV2009. My LV2010 DVDs were from August and had an older DAQmx. So when I loaded the Device Drivers from my LV2010 DVDs it didn't install anything.


    So it wasn't a stupid question!

    Don't worry - I have been caught out with that one before :)

  6. My LabVIEW default is yellow with black border. I think there is an option to toggle between transparent and the above. Anyways, I have a package that contains various comment styles amongst other things. I even have one called 'JKI comment' which is the bold title with plain text comment underneath, all centered. I really like that one. Crelf told me to use the OpenG one though, cause that's what real programmers use :)

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe a stupid question but I assume you checked 'LabVIEW 2010 IDE support' or whatever during the DAQmx install? Normally, upgrading is fine in my experience. On a side note, with the latest DAQmx drivers, on an upgrade you don't have to uninstall the old one manually - I really liked that new feature.

  8. Thanks for the update that is good to hear :-)

    Just a quick one, I contacted Jim who has put in a challenge question for member registration.

    Hopefully, that will calm things down with the spambots.



  9. Hi InsameObject

    I use Perforce, VIPM and OGPB to manage reuse.

    For me, I don't want to be branching & merging (yuk!), the dist code is the snapshot (as a package format).

    If I ever want to install an older version (package) or upgrade then VIPM lets me do that quickly and easily.

    VIPC files are the secret key here, they allow a dev to manage reuse code versions between projects.

    You should definitely check it out more IMHO.



  10. Actually this is not required anymore since VIPM 2010 already does a mass compile after installing packages now.

    Yes, that is correct however, for a normal VIs this is great.

    For a larger dist with libraries and class I found it was much slower.

    The reason being that all code in the directory was handled i.e. open/checked/compiled.

    But due to the above VI relationships this was slow.

    What I did to optimise it was to only point to a VI Tree so one VI gets handled.

    I don't have any benchmarks recorded but it was actually something I wanted to discuss with you.

  11. Indeed. But not really solution though. I'm hoping I'm just missing something obvious since the mass compile (and presumably the VIPM) can do it, however the mass compile only scans directories, rather than project trees.

    Sorry, I wasn't being smart, I was saying the solution is to skip them (in your script).

    I doubt VIPM can do it, and I hope NI can't do too - as that means there is a security issue with using PP in my VIs (if I choose to) IMHO. I am pretty sure Locked VIs also get skipped during a mass compile in LabVIEW.

    • Like 1
  12. I uploaded a new version to LAVA - the main feature is native support for LabVIEW 2010.

    The code now checks for LabVIEW version and mass compiles if IDE is newer.

    I tried to optimize it as just compiling the directory takes a long time due to a few Libraries and Classes etc...

    The workflow is pretty much copied from what I have seen using some JKI tools - so props to them.




    • Version 0.16 was entered in the LECC 2010 but was not added to the LAVACR.
    • Version 0.17 just updates some support files for LAVA and is added to the LAVACR.



    Version History (Changelist):

    0.17-1 2011 01 23

    - Changed (): Rebuild for LAVA distribution. Support files changed only (no code changes).

    0.16-1 2010 10 05 (LabVIEW Example Code Contest 2010)

    - Added (): Support for LabVIEW 2010. Include Mass Compile option on first load

    - Changed (): Now requires Icon Editor API v2.1-1 as dependency

    - Fixed (): Popup on New Class Control resolves correct 'Current Icon'

  13. Thanks for the feedback Jim

    The LVOOP Assistant includes the Icon Editor API in the ZIP distribution. I include a package-only version (for download) for subsequent upgrades of the LVOOP Assistant (as the Icon Editor does/did not change much). However, as per your suggestion, I have now added a link to the LVOOP Assistant download page that points to this page. I will also contact Admin and see if this thread can move in the uncertified LAVA repo. Also, attached is the latest Icon Editor API.



    PS - Sub-packages would have been great in this scenario wink.gif


  14. Hi WhiteSnake84

    Out of interest can you post more info about your project and where you are from? Anyways, I have used the 3DM-GX2 wifi sensor successfully.

    I wrote a partial driver for my application which used Euler Angles in Continuos Mode. The company provides a SDK in LabVIEW 7.1 (methinks) but there is a more recent programming manual on their website.

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