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Francois Normandin

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Status Replies posted by Francois Normandin

  1. Spring is still a little ways off http://twitpic.com/4vlj6m

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Agreed. I changed my winter tires only yesterday!

  2. i do ! RT @EdDickens: Does any else not like the fact that System Boolean buttons have Key focus and 'Return' mapped to them? #LabVIEW

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Same here. I always use the "Cancel button" for this very reason.

  3. RT @jlokanis: @njhollenback: if #labview child classes can have only one parent, does that mean that lvclass uses asexual reproduction?

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Have you heard of the Green Mantis' mating ritual?

  4. Dans sa boulimie de production, la modernité crée des produits sans avenir. Le capitalisme c'est la réduction de l'intervalle entre le moment où l'on achète un objet et où on le remplace.

  5. Just coming off a 45+ hr sprint... ...software to Beta stage and don't it feel good...

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      You mean, you still feel something after that? ;-)

  6. My Dream came true. I just got the word from NI that I am a "LabVIEW Champion" Life is Good!

  7. My dream came true... I just go the Email telling me that I made LabVIEW Champion

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Youhou! Will you drive to NI Week again this year?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. is sitting outside the Austin Convention Center waiting for NI Week to start...

  9. has packaged his bags

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Already? How long is your flight to Austin??? ;-)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Passed my CLD! Now to take that Adv. Arch. class before I attempt the CLA exam!

  11. doesn't believe he needs a facebook account. :-)

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      You really want to see the thousand pictures of my cat? ;-)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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