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Black Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Pearl

  1. The property is ObjHighlight (or similar). I'm not sure if it is public in your version. It has been around as private at least since 7.1 and made public recently (8.6 ?). So for 8.5 you will need to activate the scripting license (it is available for free on ni.com) and hope it is included with it. Or you get an old LV version where the ini keys worked and import it in your current version. Felix
  2. There is an undocumented ini key for that. Consult the labview wiki.
  3. Ok, found the Unread Content. That's what I was looking for. But I want to join Cat in asking for the read content marked as read as well. For me, that also sets the mark where I was starting the reading last time. Now I need to go as far as to remember a post that I was not intersted in to stop browsing. Felix
  4. Are you looking for something like this: NI Forum Community Nugget ? Felix
  5. The barrier is my LV version. But I'm trying to get an upgrade and even some extra tools. Felix
  6. I only see 5 posts in the recently added topics, and I didn't find a way to customize it or few a complete list. I guess I will miss a lot of discussions I'd be interested in, when I'm of site for some days. I also liked the 'old way', because I could see the post I was last reading the forum (same works on ni-forum for me). Felix
  7. And Here Felix
  8. I was experimenting with Unit Tests without any framework yet, just to understand how it works. I did it on simple vi's from my reusable library, so it is not giving the advantages of 'regression test' (which is a really good point to get such a framework). So far it just gives me a documented behaviour (even if it doesn't work as I want it under every situation, these exceptions are documented, very valuable). I would like to see some designs/implementations that allow for hardware simulation for automated Unit Testing. Appart from the hardware issue, I wonder how to deal with UIs. Also, I would like to know more about Test Driven Developement specific for LV. Maybe we should have a forum specific to software engineering here on LAVA? If we had more debate on such issues (and I see that need for it), we will go more for these tools or come up with other solutions. Felix
  9. As far as I remember: In LV 7.1 only method 2 works. Dealing with reentrant vi's with improved during the 8.x. Felix
  10. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Jun 8 2009, 10:02 PM) Great stuff, I'll stop programming for now and get some real people together and do some real things. I'll write some update when I'm done/out of jail. Did that kind of stuff half my life and thanks for the inspiration, I'm on the road again... Felix
  11. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jun 8 2009, 08:54 PM) But these institutions certainly exists and actually do such 'nonsense'. Another explanation actually would be some kind of burn-out. BTW: If anyone want to look deeper into this, it might be that 'alfa' also appeared on the ni forum. But the postings that come into my mind were reading a bit 'bot-like'. To get the search going, the conceĆ¼pt of one posting was 'if you program an OS in LV, you won't have any virus problems' before getting to insane to read (I'm a bit weak on following pure text based concepts). Felix
  12. Your error is exactly 24 bit. Either hardware or driver problem. Felix PS: I didn't manage to get that calculated with win calc. I had to use LV for that. Geeky, isn't it. Edit: Checked hardware docs, it's 32 bit. So try DAQmx drivers instead of traditional DAQ.
  13. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ May 30 2009, 06:26 PM) What I actually like with the old ini keys is, that when I want to use scripting for some internal tools, I switch them on. Normally I have them of, because I don't need it for developing software, so I can browse faster through the properties. Felix
  14. QUOTE (crelf @ May 25 2009, 06:53 PM) Would't be an OOP aproach be best for that? Base class only contains the traditional error cluster, so the object can be casted to that base class to be compatible with the standard error. Felix
  15. Some time ago a published some application framework on the Dark Side; The error handling concept is scetched at the end of posting #2 and beginning of #3. As far is I read the other posts, we all use events to pass the error data. Other ways of doing it? Felix
  16. QUOTE (asbo @ May 21 2009, 08:59 PM) thanks for the proof. Felix
  17. I give up... The device I connect via RS232 is not changing it's baude rate if I branch any wire. So I expect that splitting a wire and setting the baud rate on one branch would effect the other branch as well. It isn't a OOP clone, because that time, we didn't know what oop is alike. Felix
  18. QUOTE (crelf @ May 21 2009, 07:09 PM) No, that's exactly the point. You could wire a "COM1" string to each read/write and as long as execution order (by the error wire) stays intact, it's the same. ARSL::COM0 is by default mapping to COM0 (assignment in the registry). Serial ports are much older than most stuff we deal with including 'Events`, registry and so on... GPIB is older than LV itself... It is a simple string that will be passed to the OS, and modern windows decodes it via registry keys. And modern LV is smart enough to compile it for max performance. Just look at the BASIC (disgusting) calls they provide you in so many Instrument manuals. Felix
  19. QUOTE (crelf @ May 21 2009, 05:32 PM) As far as I know, the VISA programming in LV is really error proof since LV6 or LV7. You don't even need the Open or Close reference, that's handled automatically. So you could actually place as many read/write operations and wire an individual constant for each VISA session. On windows the VISA aliases are stored in the registry, which is updating with a delay of up to 2 min, so there wont be any changes on the handle/reference. So 'best practices' are a matter of personal taste. The only issue you might run into is when passing the wire through a for loop that migh iterate 0 times. Felix
  20. QUOTE (ASTDan @ May 21 2009, 02:29 PM) I use the <err> and <append> tags. This also avoids collisions with other errors I might define with the same code. (I have made two VIs: Overwrite error and Add Details to Error). Moving the custom error messages around from project to project was to much hassle. Felix
  21. QUOTE (Cat @ May 21 2009, 02:16 PM) I haven't looked into that, but it might be as easy as replace the mnu files each time. The VIPM should be able to do this. But you could also code that process with LV on your own. This is actually pretty advisable, because it documents all the steps to do. Felix
  22. Why not place it on the palette yourself if you really like it? You can customize the standard palettes, if you rename/delete the ReadOnly.txt (don't remeber the exact name). Felix
  23. QUOTE (gleichman @ May 21 2009, 03:27 AM) This is a historical flaw, I don't remember why that happend. They had no central repositiory for the error these times, maybe. But yes, every user is reporting you a GPIB error and never ever a file error. Felix
  24. I would like to see an error handling for multiloop architectures with a dedicated error handling loop. The overall idea is presented in the 'LabVIEW Style book' by P. Blume. But there are no details on the error handling specifically. One really important thing is how to report errors to users. Using the normal error dialog works nice for me, but users click it away most of the time and then give me a call 'your software is not working'. This is more about psychology than SE. Felix
  25. You could show up a nice little stupid game like minesweeper (anything more click-intensive?). Felix
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