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    LabVIEW 8.6
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  1. Hi Friends, I want to use Embedded Data logger custom device but the version of the LabVIEW I am using is 2016. Could someone please help me convert it to 2016 version? Thanks. niveristand-embedded-data-logger-custom-device-master.zip
  2. Shaun, That's right. The string input to the VI is actually the value of the Str ref. But the problem here is that, Text.SelStart/Text.Sel.End holds only one value, not the whole text color index values. So I could not use it, as shown in the picture. Thanks, Sharon
  3. My approach is incorrect for lines more than 2. ​ Because the copying works only with the previous (line) value. So what I have done is that I created a color cluster - capturing all index with color values and finally changed colors of the texts. Thanks, Sharon
  4. Hi Shaun, I am not sure I understood your question. So I have added one more pivture with the post. My software processes the string line-by-line.So somehow I need to retain the color property of the texts. Forgot to mention->The Selection before Step2.1 copies the color property of 'Dial S for' string. Regards, Sharon
  5. HI, I am doing something like below. It works.. but I am not sure , it is the best solution. I am 'copying' the color info of the text before I execute the VI. Regards, Sharon
  6. Hi friends, In my VI, there is a the text control with texts with different color( Basicall for OCR application , to show incorrect charcters). But if I run the VI attached(Purpose of the VI is to add some symbols at specific location) with this post all text color reset to default. I am pretty sure I am making with the usage of Text Ref. I tried with 2 approaches- 1. with text control ref 2. with only the text. But not working. Any idea? BTW the text control is for unicode characters. Sub_Add_Symbol_to_OCR_String.vi -Sharon.
  7. That's right. My application is like : 1. Adjust camera parameters-> 2. Run Sample OCR-> 3. If not Ok goto step 1 until OCR output is OK. So I am looking for the possibility of saving MAX settings from LabVIEW. Thanks, Sharon
  8. Hi friends, Is it possible to access measurement studio parameters from LabVIEW?. I want to adjust my camera parameters and save the current values permanently. I mean what if I don't want to load the settings parameter from a file everytime ? Can it be done? Thanks for your time and support..!!! Thanks, -Sharon
  9. Oh okay. Thank you.
  10. Hi friends, Does anyone have a link to download LabVIEW 2010 SP1? Using my NI account, I can see download options only from LabVIEW 2012. I called NI but there seems to be some problem with burning the image file to DVD. And it is kind of urgent. Thanks, Sharon.
  11. Other than LV,there are also modules like TestStand 4.0 and FPGA Development Module,... Licenses of these things limit the (free)upgrade only to 2010 SP1. o
  12. Hi, The camera is USB3 . Yes, I need IMAQdx to use it with my LabVIEW. And sorry for the late reply- I have been intalling/reinstalling VAS drivers for two days. The problem is that the LabVIEW version is 2009 and NI supports USB camera devices from IMAQdx 4.2.0 which is not compatible with 2009. We found out only today that IMAQdx 4.2 is *not* supported by LabVIEW 2009, and some NI documentation about the version things, is wrong . It is only supported from LabVIEW 2010. So I am trying upgrade my LV version 2010 SP1. I will update if everything is ok. Thanks, Sharon
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