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Jim Kring

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Posts posted by Jim Kring

  1. QUOTE (Ton @ May 30 2009, 01:38 AM)

    OK, what have JKI and Endevo (I assume you mean those two) done?

    JKI has integrated VI Tester and VIPM into the project (the VIPM part is "coming soon"). We did this via a "secondary provider" which doesn't have any "binary compatibility" issues, based on what I know. Also, there were really no headaches on our side -- we basically got it up and running in about a day. Of course, we still have lots of feature requests :)

  2. David,

    I've just confirmed from one of the JKI Engineers that your code made a surprise appearance in the JKI Right-Click Framework video. Basically, one of our team members adapted your code as a RCF plugin and we've been using it internally at JKI for some time now with great success! Once the RCF is officially released, we'd be happy to show you what we've done and let you "take ownership" of this plugin.



  3. That's funny! :)

    ... And, it reminds me of all the times I've had to repeatedly press Cancel/Ignore when LabVIEW shows me Find Missing VIs dialog when loading large projects that are missing VIs or the VI Password dialogs when searching VI hierarchies with password protected VIs. (Note: I think that these issues are mostly/already fixed, in newer LV versions).

    There have been times that I just jammed a paperclip between the keys in my keyboard to hold the Escape key down -- no way to get fit by cheating :P

  4. QUOTE (crelf @ May 16 2009, 05:59 PM)

    I *think* they've always been in there, right? I thought part of 0.17 was to have the OpenG toolkit show up in their respective existing palettes?

    The OpenG library palettes do not appear under the respective LabVIEW palettes. For example, OpenG Array does not show up under the LabVIEW array palette -- it only shows up under the OpenG category.

    There was discussion of working on this, but nothing has happened yet.

  5. QUOTE (normandinf @ Apr 27 2009, 03:20 PM)

    You're very welcome.

    I understand why those methods and properties are not writable during execution (it's been explained plenty of times that we can't write anything that would change the VI code while it's running and I guess it's the same with lvclasses), but I'm still wondering why we can't access them as "read-only"?

    My guess is that anything in VI Server that is a project or project item is deemed part of the "editor" and not needed at run-time. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and LVLIB references are on the "editor" side of the line.

  6. QUOTE (Paul_at_Lowell @ Apr 24 2009, 09:51 AM)

    Ah! Thanks, Jim! The "Flattened String To Variant" (with a "type string" = Type Descriptor input) function appears to be what I needed.


    Great. BTW, how are you getting the Type Descriptor of the LVClass private data? I didn't notice the private data type descriptor in the flat data or type descriptor of the object data or type descriptor and I couldn't find any utility VIs (in vi.lib, for example) to do this either.


  7. QUOTE (Paul_at_Lowell @ Apr 23 2009, 05:33 PM)

    OK, I've parsed a LabVIEW object from a binary string (see thread here: http://forums.lavag.org/Flattened-LVOOP-Class-t11256.html&p=47637#entry47637' target="_blank">Flattened LVOOP Class). Is there a way I can programmatically retrieve the cluster to use as a type (not just the type descriptor as a string) so that I can create a cluster with the object data?

    (This may not be necessary for what I am doing but I want to know if there is a way to do it. I haven't found a way.)

    If you can get the Type Descriptor of the lvclass private data, there's an OpenG VI for returning the default data as a variant.

  8. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Apr 12 2009, 07:54 PM)

    Now that you've brought it up, it would be pretty cool to be able to select an area of a diagram and say "highlight execution only among these nodes, but run the rest of the code without highlighting."

    I'd settle for being able to highlight execution on structures.

  9. [cross-posted to ni forums]

    Does anyone know why I can't seem to find the System.Collections.Generic.List object in LabVIEW's "Select .NET Constructor" dialog?

    I'm trying to create a .NET "List" in LabVIEW (Namespace: System.Collections.Generic, Assembly: mscorlib), similar to how it's done in the text-based code, below.

    List<string> myList = new List<string>();

    The problem is that I can't seem to find the Generic List object contstructor anywhere.

    System.Collections.Generic object under the System assembly (I was only able to find System.Collections.Specialized). I looked inside the mscorlib assembly and found the System.Collections.Generic object, but the only constructor is for something else.


    Thanks for your help.


  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 10 2009, 12:55 PM)

    Then your boss needs to learn the difference between cost and value :)

    For every system I've made that does anything even mildy interesting wrt sequencing, the time I've saved by using TestStand rather than trying to do it myself has far out weighed the purchase and distribution prices. Use the right tool for the job - I don't know who said it, but I agree that you should be concentrating on the design of tests and the low level stuff - having to design, write, test, deploy and maintain your own custom sequencer isn't a good move in the medium to long term.

    But, it's way cheaper to just write your one scripting/programming language/engine. And, it's more fun. Plus, there's also job security in it. And, it makes you feel important, when people call you and ask you to add a new feature like looping, variables, etc. Plus, since you created the language, you get to name it. And, maybe someday there will be an O'Reilly book written for it, and maybe you'll get to pick out the animal they use for the cover -- would you choose a Koala or a Kangaroo?

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