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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. I'm wondering what version of LabVIEW most people are using for new projects -- not existing projects, but ones started from scratch.
  2. The LabVIEW 8.0 fairy has granted your wish.
  3. Use the Move method.
  4. Jim Kring

    The book

    This topic is now closed. Sorry, alpha, you lose.
  5. You will probably need to use Scripting in order to access these features.
  6. Chris, we could form an extreme sports team and travel the world doing demos!
  7. Yes, this is a very nice feature. However, I don't think that it will solve either of the problems mentioned above.
  8. I have talked to developers within NI, to see if there is some hidden way to do this, and the answer I recieved is that it is not currently possible. However, it is a great idea.
  9. Giridhar: I guess that this is a good time to give an update on Aerotech. I have been using one of their stages recently, and the LabVIEW drivers and examples have been greatly improved. They still don't meet my very rigorous requirements for what I would call good software, but their stuff is useable. I did have to fix a few bugs in their code, but that is often the case with instrument drivers. As far as cost is concerned, you should talk to an Aerotech sales rep or visit their website. It is my assumption, but I could be wrong, that the LabVIEW drivers do not cost extra.
  10. Be fair to Rolf, yen. The IVision runtime license is $20, but the developer license is $850.
  11. Set the following attributes of the string control: Key Focus = TRUE Text.Selection:Start = Desired Cursor Position Text.Selection:End = Desired Cursor Position
  12. One option, is to install TortoiseSVN with the "Visual Studio .NET hack" (this is an option available during installation). This will cause the ".svn" folders to be named "_svn". LabVIEW will ignore all files and folders, beneath user.lib, that begin with an underscore.
  13. I don't know if anyone else has discovered this already, but it's pretty cool... How to create a system (dialog) cluster control Summary: we will be replacing the cluster frame with a System (Dialog) Recessed Frame, using the control editor . Steps: 1) Place a System (Dialog) Recessed Frame on the front panel. Select it and then Edit>>Copy (<ctrl>+C) it to the clipboard. 2) Place a cluster shell onto the front panel. Select it and then Edit>>Customize Control to open it in the Control Editor dialog 3) Change from Customize Mode to Edit Mode, by pressing the small "wrench" button. 4) Right-click on the cluster frame and select Import at Same Size from the pop up menu. 5) For added style.. 5.A) make the cluster background transparent so that you can see system color of the front panel 5.B) move the cluster's label so that it hovers over the frame, and 5.C) color the label so that it has a system color background with a transparent foreground (to hide the shadow). voil
  14. The fact that Unflatten From String returns an error when you try to unflatten an empty string into a cluster is good -- this is a feature. If you use Flatten To String to flatten an "empty" cluster, you will not get an empty string (since even a cluster with default/null vales still has data). If you want a different behavior, then test for an empty string and then pass an empty cluster out. Also, the term "null", used in the context of string data, usually refers to the character whos decimal value is 0. This will appear as \00, in slash code mode. You will find that if you flatten an "empty" cluster, you will get a lot of null characters in your string data. Cheers,
  15. First of all, if you are using TortoiseSVN, you don't need metadiff -- TortoiseSVN, can be configured on a per file extention (type) basis, as shown in the following image: Secondly, I don't think that that you can compare two VIs with the same name, using lvdiff -- LabVIEW has a problem with loading two VIs into memory, with the same name. You should try using the Tools>>Compare>>Compare VI Hierarchies tool -- this can handle comparing two VIs with the same name.
  16. Gordon & Smith (G&S) is a surfboard, skateboard, and clothing company that was founded in San Diego (America's Finest City) where I spent my childhood (did I every really grow up?). They had a factory outlet, where I would find great bargains on skateboards (like the one in the photo) and school clothes... ah, happy memories.
  17. I'm going to have to TiVo that show -- I love skateboarding and LabVIEW! Here's me, when I was just a runt.
  18. LabVIEW 8.0 allows you to (re)assign keys of any menu items. :thumbup:
  19. You cannot invoke the Run method on a VI that is reserved for exection. So, if you want to do this you will need to set the resvForCall argument of the GetVIReference method to FALSE. However, using the Call methods does require that the VI be reserved for execution -- this is an important distinction.
  20. sure, just pass the VI path as command-line argument. <labview version dir>\labview.exe -pref "%l" "VI1_Path" "VI2_Path" "VI3_Path"
  21. Chris: I think this is very interesting and worth developing into an OpenG project (we were actually discussing SQLite integration with LabVIEW, last week). We could build the shared library on all platforms and make it a cross-platform toolkit. I'm more than happy to help get it into the OpenG Toolkit. Send me a PM, and we can discuss. Cheers,
  22. Eric: LabVIEW 8.0 has a new feature called Graph Annotations that will do what you want.
  23. I have seen tricks where a "real" control, which is usually hidden, is moved under the mouse and made visible as the user moves mouses over the control images inside the picture control -- it is not perceivable by the user. This allows the user to interact with the real control.
  24. Federico: Can you use a picture control to achieve the desired result?. You can obtain a control's image by invoking the VI Server method Get Image. You can then draw this image on a picture control. You can do this multiple times, draw them in different positions, and in the desired (Z) orders. You only need one real control for each type of control you wish to draw -- you can change the control to the desired value. However, if users need to interact with the controls, it gets tricky.
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