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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. I saw a "LABVIEW" license plate in San Francisco, CA a few years ago, while driving from the Marina area to Fisherman's Warf.
  2. I too would like audio, if it is available. It would also be nice to have the presentation in PPT format, if the speaker's notes are available. BTW, the presentation looks great, Rob. :thumbup: I'm sorry that I missed it, at NI Week -- always so much going on, and so little time.
  3. Some organizational processes use CD burning as a way to achieve FDA Validation. This is a pretty good reason.
  4. It is a bug. The VI should be broken for "no case for some selector values". 5848[/snapback] Jean-Pierre, I was referring to Wolfram's second bug posting, which has a string range frame and a default frame.
  5. I'm not sure if this is a bug. It might just be a feature. I recall a thread on info-labview on this a few years ago. I think that when you are using string ranges, the upper limit is non-inclusive.
  6. There is an example here showing how to call the mysql C API. I'm not sure about your error (sorry), but maybe this example will provide some insight. I was able to get it to work on my Linux box. -Jim
  7. John, I have submitted a bug in the LabVIEW Wait beta.
  8. This behavior is present in LV 6.1 and still seems to be present in the newest version of LabVIEW. I just filed a bug report with NI.
  9. Physicists use G force! :laugh:
  10. LabVIEW driver for cd recording from CIT Engineering.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I have added the cluster and string formats of the VI version info as outputs (see the attached VI). Download File:post-17-1122355867.vi
  12. It appears that this method is first available in 7.0.
  13. Here is a solution. This will find its way into the OpenG file library soon... Download File:post-17-1122010537.vi
  14. There is an OpenG VI called "Fit VI window to Largest Dec" which will do just what it says. Put a frame decoration onto your Front Panel, where you want the panel extents to be when the VI runs. The rest is automated. You can get this VI in the Application Control (appcontrol) library which is available for download using OpenG Commander. Best of luck, -Jim
  15. I have debugged code written by others that used "naked" functional LV2 globals (not placed inside wrapper VIs to hide the call mode selection and input/output routing). I find it a real pain, as you have described, to search for all instances using a particular call mode, in addition to reverse engineer which inputs and outputs are associated with each call mode. Here is the solution: for each calling mode, create a wrapper VI. It is then very easy to search for the wrapper VI instances. Also, users of your functional LV2 global will always know which inputs and outputs are relevant to a specific call mode. The collection of wrappers can be thought of as the API of your component.
  16. Richard, You're very welcome and I hope you enjoy the various other libraries and tools that OpenG developers have created. I'm sure you will find a lot of @!$ kicking stuff in there Regarding Linux, Rolf is right, both OpenG Commander and nearly all of the downloadable libraries should work on Linux (and Mac, too). -Jim
  17. Download OpenG Commander from openg.org and install the file library package. This contains a VI called "Delete Recursive" that does just what its name implies.
  18. Most folks who know, aren't allowed to say. Also this tends to change around a lot, as NI decides which features will be ready in time and which ones will have to wait. One thing to note, is that NI has hinted that the next version will have lots of new features; so, it will naturally take a while.
  19. One tool that I use for such things is Beyond Compare. It is easy to use and provides tons of features. Another option is to use a Version Control System (CVS, Subversion, Perforce, VSS, etc).
  20. Or maybe Martin used the INI key: superPrivateScriptingFeatureSichtbar=True :laugh:
  21. Cheers,
  22. In order to create a floating label on the block diagram (or a structure's diagram), you need to use the diagram reference as the owning object argument in the "New VI Object" function call. See the attached example and screenshot. Note: if you are trying to place/edit comments inside of structures, such as Case Structures, or While Loops, you will need to traverse the BD object hierarchy, in order to obtain the reference to that object's diagram. This is similar to traversing Tab Controls and Clusters (by control reference) on the FP. Good luck. Download File:post-17-1117426951.zip
  23. This LabVIEW Object is called a "Label". If it is owned by a VI's FP or a Diagram object, then it is a "floating" Label (by convention). Here is some example code showing how to drop one on a VI using the "New VI Object" function. Hmmm, you don't have that in your palette? Download Commander and get it. Download File:post-17-1117261434.zip
  24. NO! Events are queued, Notifications are NOT. If your processing loop cannot execute fast enough, you might miss Notifications that happen while you are processing them.
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