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Jim Kring

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Posts posted by Jim Kring

  1. hey Jim u got jokes 4 ur information i just took  lab view to get a taste about programming this has nothing to do with wasting my time in school trust me if i am wasting my time in school i would not be in school, so u better get ur facts right i am just taking this class as an elective to get an idea off different stuff in different fields. i am sure u wasted ur time sitting on ur fat a$$ doing nothing 4 huge paying salary. Think about it . no disrespect 

    Actually i have an idea to do the first problem but the second one forget it i dont know how to do that problem  :(   but thanks alot 4 ur help guys


    My comment was meant to rattle your cage -- it obviously worked. So, you can take it as a personal assault, but hopefully you will take it as an insight. Whether or not you need to take a class for credits, doesn't mean that you can violate the code of academic ethics by asking people to help you cheat. There is an epidemic of cheating on college campuses these days, and it is sad to see an opportunity to learn, wasted. I used to teach a college LabVIEW class, and had to drop/flunk cheaters out of my class -- it's not fun for anyone.

    Additionally, you've got a bit to learn about participation in a volunteer support and discussion forum. Here's a reading assignment (yes, there will be a quiz):

    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way >> Don't post homework questions

  2. About a year ago, on November 25th of 2003, I posted a message (see quote, below) to Info-LabVIEW about how changes to the NI Software License Agreement (NISLA) affect LabVIEW software developers. The verbiage of the current NISLA gives NI the right to declare a software product as being not an "authorized application" if it competes with an NI product. Prior to that, it only prohibited using LabVIEW to create "general purpose tools that permit the development of applications to acquire, display, or analyze data."

    Hello Info-LV'ers,

    For those of you who haven't read your NISLA (NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT) lately, I suggest that you take a look.  The VISA Serial issue (see thread: "Distributing built application with VISA = Not free") is only the tip of the iceberg, it seems.  The definition of what is an "Authorized Application" (the only type of application you are allowed to create, per the NISLA) has grown to exclude *ANY* applications that compete with *ANY* National Instruments software.  This seems to imply that if one is developing a software product that NI finds valuable, it would be well within NI's rights to start development of a similar product and then issue the competitor a cease and desist order.  This is very troubling, in my opinion, and seems to affect the rights of anyone who distributes *ANY* software written in LabVIEW, for sale or for free.

    Any thoughts?  Please, someone at NI, tell me that I am wrong.


    -Jim Kring


    -- August 2001 (circa LabVIEW 6.1) --


  3. Dear sir,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Can you please send the direct link to the page where it can be purchased ?. Moreover can you send link or attach a tutorial about the application builder or you think the documention is enough for dummy students.




    Purchase LV Application Builder:


    More info about the LV Application Builder:


  4. Hi all,

    Trying to work with date and time with this format:

      mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (This is the input I have)

    What I would like to get:

      Output = (date1/time1) - (date2/time2)

    I have to find the way to get the difference between to dates/times and I'm not able to do it in Labview although I'm almost sure that it's possible.

    Could you guide me a little bit, please?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards.




    Here is something that might work for you.


    Download File:post-17-1102797995.zip

  5. another question:

    i have some self written tools (like automatic tunnel wiring wizard, etc ..) but all these tools lack of the possibility to use them directly from the tools menu for the frontmost vi. 

    Using the "Active VI" property will give me back a reference to the tool-vi, not to the frontmost vi i am working on. what i do now is, to open an application reference, look for all vis in memory and show all these in a listbox, who do not have callers and let the user (me) select the top level vi. 

    but that's not the best solution, i think and if someone knows how to get the reference to the frontmost vi i would really appreciate some help.

    best regards,



    The Application Control library of the OpenG Toolkit has two VIs, which are useful for this:

    * Find VI with Focus

    * Find Frontmost VI

  6. Really?

    So is it illegal?


    "illegal" might have been a little too strong. How about "not advisable, from a legal perspective". While, something might not explicitly be a criminal offense, you could still get sued for damages. A DDS attack is aimed at completely shutting down someone's business presence -- that equates to financial damages.

  7. If you wire event data directly out of the event structure and to a shift register, when the VI is converted from LabVIEW 6.1 to LabVIEW 7.1, it will be relinked to different event data. This does not happen when the VI is converted from 6.1 to 7.0, or if the VI is first converted to 7.0 and then 7.1 -- only when converted from 6.1 directly to 7.1. Also, if you disconnect the data from the shift register, the problem does not occur.


    Download File:post-17-1102130800.vi




    Actually, I found the "real bug". An event structure inside a while loop with any uninitialized Shift Registers will cause the event data items to change.

  8. Thanks for the post & attachment Jim. Great idea to run a DDS against the spammers. It would be nice to be able to add spammers to your list when they email you.

    Firefox and Thunderbird rule!


    Actually, it is not a DDS. It is not intended to overload the servers to the point that anyone is denied service. It is simply designed to consume measureable non-revenue-generating bandwith, which raises the spammers' cost of doing business. A DDS would be illegal.

  9. I read this article on slashdot about a screensaver from lycos that "that targets known spam servers (taken from spamcop and verified by hand) with traffic in order to raise their bandwidth costs and hopefully price them out of the game."

    You can download the screensaver from here.

    The coolest part of the screensaver is the world map, showing the spammers' locations, some statistics, and the spammer that you are currently "attacking" :thumbup:

  10. Doesn't this breach the license agreement? I didn't think you're allowed to "build" executables without the Application Builder, and by definition running the source code using the runtime would bypass the build and be doing just that.

    cheers, Alex.


    When you run VIs using the Run-Time engine, your not "running the source code". The only part of a VI that runs is the executable code. It just happens that VIs can have several parts contained within the *.vi file -- the LabVIEW application builder normally removes the diagram (source code). The LabVIEW Run-Time engine is really just LabVIEW w/o the compiler and editor -- it behaves almost identically. As long as all VIs in your "applications" hierarchy have been saved, they are compiled. All you need is the Run-Time engine of the same LabVIEW version, and your application will run. The "LabVIEW Application Builder" does not really "build executables", it simply aggregates your applications VI hierarchy into an LLB and then prepends an executable stub (<LabVIEW>\applibs\lvapp.lib) onto the front of the main LLB file and changes the extension of the file to EXE.

    Per the NISLA (since LV 7.0), NI reserves the right to make the sole determination as to whether your application is "authorized"; and, any application that competes with a National Instruments product is not authorized. So... does the "AppLauncher" breach the license agreement? No, not until NI tells you that it does (but they probably will). But, the fact that the AppLauncher is designed and distributed for the expressed purpose of bypassing the LabVIEW App Builder, which could hurt sales of the LabVIEW Professional Version and App Builder add-on doesn't help.

    Interestingly, any LabVIEW application (executable) can be used to run any other LabVIEW application (assuming that all VIs in the hierarchy are saved in the same version of LabVIEW). All you need to do is run the executable from the command-line, passing it the path of your application's top-level VI.


  11. Seems that the content of the mentioned VI is running under "intellectual property of NI".

    Although the censuring is legal, I find it not best for NI's image (seen from the developer side).

    I don't know the details, but it seems that someone just wanted to use a tool NI wrote and not having to reinvent it.



    NI's discussion forums (now powered by Lithium) are designed to create a community -- this community. Obviously NI has a lot of interests to ballance. The posting (in question) on LAVA is probably more of a detraction from NI's business interests, than it is a violation of IP/licensing. BTW, take a look at NI's new forums -- they look great. Cudos to NI for the excellent upgrade :thumbup:


  12. I think LabVIEW should have a Web Browser Control. This would allow us to embed any web code directly on a front panel and keep the application compatible across platforms.

    (read that as No ActiveX needed)

    If there's a way to do this already, please let me know.



    I think that a good first step would be to have cross-platform support for JavaBeans and Java classes within LabVIEW.

  13. Hi,

    I want assign just alphabet keys alone (a,b,c,d...) to boolean buttons. I have around 10 boolean buttons in front panel. Each boolean button assign to alphabet key. So operator can just the hit keys assigned. I don't want assign keys with ALT, CTRL or SHIFT buttons.

    Can any one help for me in this regard.

    Mukesh Kannan


    Register for keypress events in the VI and then set the Value (Signalling) property of the appropriate buttons.

  14. Everyone... Let's not forget the "Empty String/Path?" Function. It can also check if a string is empty (blank) with only one node.


    "Empty String/Path?" is very useful. Here is an undocumented feature of that function -- checking if a Variant is null. :thumbup:


  15. Hello all,

    I recently upgraded from labview 7.0 to 7.1.  Before the upgrade my vi's worked fine. After the upgrade my programs keep crapping out at a section in my code where I create a new folder dependant on user information.  Has any one experienced this problem before?  I think it is frikin weird and I can't figure out why this is occuring.  Any thoughts?


    I've noticed some File I/O problems when trying to delete files. It seems as if it is a permissions problem. Perhaps LabVIEW is locking the file and not releasing it, causing subsequent operations to fail.

    What does your code do, specifically? Can you post an example?


  16. I have constructed a labview application that gathers data and then sends it over a connection if it is up,

    otherwise it buffer the data till the link is up and running.

    When the connection is lost and then come back on line I will miss some packets.

    As soon as I receive an error out from the TCP/IP box I stop sending any new packets. 

    Any one how know why I lose packets?

    Since I am using the TCP protocol I expected that the packet that was sent and not

    delivered has to be resent whiteout me doing this in my application. The number of

    packets that is lost seams to have to do with the how many packet I send per second.

    Higher speed more packet lost.


    One would expect that the packet which generated the error would be lost -- that's what the error is telling you. Are you losing more packets which were sent without generating an error, prior to the disconnect?

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