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Everything posted by Fab

  1. Great book to get started with OO: 'Object-Oriented Thought Process, The (3rd Edition)' by Matt A. Weisfeld http://t.co/8vs9gtAx via @amazon

  2. "1 visionary + 3 launchers + 1,500 employees = ?" - I know they use #LabVIEW a lot http://t.co/tP5HnvZH via @AirSpaceMag

  3. Since I know some of you might be loosing sleep over this issue here is the latest response from an AE in the forum post: " Hey Fab, I have been able to replicate what you are seeing using your code. I was originally testing on LabVIEW 8.6 and I think what you have found may be a bug in the 2011 version of the C Code Generator. I am going to continue to work on it here and will post back with a solution or work around when I get it. " So, it might be that nobody at NI ever ran this example in LabVIEW 2011 until now... anyway, I will keep you posted, so you can be able to sleep again Fab
  4. FDA approval takes too long! Artificial Pancreas Could Revolutionize Diabetes Care, If FDA Will Allow It | Qmed: http://t.co/l2hzJEYb

  5. I tried with jing when I did the video for the post, but I couldn't see anything, even when I went frame by frame. Compiling for win32 was going to be my next attempt. I also tried "./GCD.exe" instead of run GCD.exe. That let me see the result, but the result is wrong. I get 1629764006 as a result, which is not the greatest common divisor between 12 and 15 And I get that long number as a reply no matter what arguments I give it. So there might be something else wrong here. If I make it work, I will let you know. Thanks, Fab
  6. Did any of you ended up trying the LabVIEW C Generator? Did you try NI's example? I have been trying to make the shipping example work following their instructions and I can not get it to work. Here is my cross-post including video and snapshots of my steps to follow the instructions in the "Getting Started with the NI LabVIEW C Generator": http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Embedded/Can-not-get-example-to-work-after-following-instructions-given/td-p/1784658 I am sure I am missing some little obvious step, I just have been away from text based programming for a very long time (thankfully ) Thanks, Fab
  7. Find tips you might not know about: Clever Debugging Techniques for Every #LabVIEW Developer - Developer Zone - NI: http://t.co/EkrDOQ5S

  8. Reposting AristosQueue's Error Cluster: http://t.co/Ep4pO21Q For those who couldn't open the original link.

  9. Just saw #AristosQueue demo his Error Cluster for #LabVIEW 2011, pretty cool stuff http://t.co/Ep4pO21Q. Check it out!

  10. Do we have the latest TLB version with REx?
  11. If you plan to attend the European CLA Summitt March 19 -20 2012, make sure to vote on topic: http://t.co/i5idqr4w

  12. Jack Dunaway Achieves “Certified LabVIEW Architect” Distinction http://t.co/vle71jMS via @jkisoftware

  13. Thanks for bringing it up to our attention, I know I would use this! Just voted for it
  14. Fab

    LVOOP and TestStand

    thank you all! I knew I could count on you I already submitted feedback for the knowledge base entry asking them to update it and point to the link Jeffrey posted. Thanks again, Fab
  15. Hi, Next week I am teaching a LVOOP course and my students use TestStand a lot and I expect to get questions regarding the use of LVOOP and TestStand. The things I have heard are: - TestStand does not recognize LVOOP Objects, so the developper has to flatten the Object Reference to string and then pass the string to TestStand, and viceversa, if they get the flattened Object they need to unflatten to string in LabVIEW: http://digital.ni.co...62573A9004C5A07 - Dynamic dispatch is lost Are there any other tips/tricks/myths I should be aware of? Thanks, Fab
  16. Dear CLAs, The call for submissions had been posted at the CLA Community: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-19083 Please check it out and start thinking what you are going to present at the summit. Thanks, Fab
  17. Abbott's Bioresorbable Stent: Another Case of Innovation vs. FDA. Available for Europe-2012 - in USA-2015!!! | Qmed: http://t.co/zZvpouSc

  18. Smartphone ultrasound device launches commercially http://t.co/J7g02Hkh

  19. National Instruments Is Leading a Quiet Technological Revolution - Forbes http://t.co/7sVNJn12

  20. Cool app! Feels like sci fi. Patient takes pill, it reports back on findings. LabVIEW used to test. http://t.co/Citvvx5d via @jkisoftware

  21. It is raining in Austin, TX and vicinity. It is real! First decent rain since May! :) our rain water collection tank is happy too :)

  22. #CLAs, if you haven't voted for #CLASummit2012 - Topic. Do it now. Voting closes on Sat, Oct 15 http://t.co/rWvRoowP #LabVIEW

  23. The voting for CLA Summit 2012 topic will close on Saturday, October 15. If you are a CLA, please vote if you haven't done so here! Thanks, Fab
  24. Thanks for the tip, I like that and I will use it in the future for any benchmarking. I agree that adding the String to the name will provide clarity and I do use Quick Drop and like it when the vi names are more descriptive.
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