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Everything posted by Grey

  1. Hi, I see a guy who is using two monitors at a time from one PC. What i seen is that both monitors are synchronise and act as a single monitor. ultimately you have more visible area.if you move the mouse it goes one monitor to another. if you open more applications you can see all of them using two monitors. you no need to minimize them. what i'm thinking is that i can view my Labview code in same way. (my code always keep on going left to right so that i need to scroll more .. i know this is bad). Any idea who is using this type of two monitors setup?
  2. Yea. I un-install the NIDAQmx 9.3.5 and re-install using LabVIEW 2011 Device driver DVD. Now i can able to use the device.
  3. Just before i installed Evaluation ver 2011 OF LabVIEW. I Plugged in USB 6009 no LED blinks as i expected. I see a yellow exclamatory sign near USB6009 Icon in windows device manager. In MAX i'm not able to see USB 6009. NI DAQmx version 9.3.5. I observed NI Devmon.exe erroe while i restart the system. Any HELP?
  4. Hi BramJ, Your advise sounds good I will have a try. thanks.!
  5. Hi, I'm having a excel database with me. The excel sheet contains different data types. Column A consists of seriall Number (Integer), Column B consists of instrument description (Strings), Column C consists of model Number (Number with special characters), Column D consists of instrument Calibration date (Date), Column E consists of instrument Calibration due date and so on...... What i want to do is that i need to extract the excel sheet's content in to 2D array. And using array functions i want to compare the date and accordingly i want to do some calibration alert system. the questions is how i can make a 2D array from a excel sheet consists of different data types? any help? thanks
  6. Thanks asbo. It's really a great help and learned nice info from you.
  7. Hi, I have two controls in my front panel. one is numeric and another one is string. I want the user first enter the numeric control and then go for string control. so what i'm looking is that once the user entered the numeric value, then the "string input" should enable and at the same time the mouse cursor should blink in it. if the numeric data is not yet entered any value then the string input must not visible or enabled ... possible ?? Thanks. .
  8. Hi crelf, Thanks for your suggestion!
  9. Hi, I have a DMM for measuring the DUT's different voltages. My DUT has multiple voltages so i need to measure all in single DMM. Can anybody give me link or let me know how i can MUX all my DUT signals so that the DMM will measure one at a time sequentially. \ Accordingly i will acquire the measured value through GPIB. Is any cheap readymade MUX card available (Non NI product also OK) share with me. I never tried this before,, so any tutorial link also highly recommended. Thanks.
  10. Grey

    DAQ Device safety

    Thanks ShaunR .. Reading and co relating the same to my application. the signals are in DC form Thanks Ton, Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. Hi All, I'm using analog input channels for acquiring voltage signals from DUT. If DUT is OK , then i do not have any problem to acquire the signal . if the DUT has any issues internally then the output voltage will not be in desired amplitude. Some case i'm afraid it will damage the DAQ device. in production mode i can expect failures in DUT that may damage the DAQ device. what normally Test engineers do to overcome this issue? please advise! Thanks.
  12. Thanks asbo!
  13. Wow. great.It's working Thanks for the help sir.
  14. Hi All, I'm going to make a small ATE. The DUT is DC to DC converter. The input of the DUT is 24V DC . It has 6 DC outputs 4 DC Outputs are having common ground source. That ground is connected to input -24V Supply ground. remaining two output signals are having separate grounds. i'm going to use USB6009 for DAQ device. the USB 6009 is having max analog input voltage is 10 V. I will use 10 x divider probe for signals which are above 10v. I need advise from you about connections which way i should go for ? shall i go for differential / RSE / NRSE ?? For better understanding i attached the DUT input out connections. thanks.
  15. i try to upload a bmp file but i got a message stating " You aren't permitted to attach this kind of file" I want to share block diagram of the DUT which users can understand my question quickly. kindly help! Thanks.
  16. Dear Friends, Thanks very much for your valuable suggestions and guidance!
  17. As i'm engaged with DAQ projects, i decided to go for buying new license of LabVIEW developer suite. I want to use Industrial Computer to install LabVIEW software. This Industrial PC i considered is for all developing work and trying to make EXE which i'm going to install other computers.(which are in ATE). I have two questions here ! 1. if i go for 64 bit compatible LabVIEW software, is this good than 32 Bit? How and why? 2.What are all the features an Industrial PC should have in it? (All hardware Point of view ..like PCI , PCI Expres slots, no of serial ports, parallelport, RJ45 slots, Processor info ...etc....) if you are giving any contact for buying in India region that will be more helpful too for me ! thank you friends! Please share your experience and suggestions about how you use one computer(software development) for developing multiple projects. and what are all the problems you face normally if you do only software development without having the hardware. because the hardware i will connect at application area only not in design area!
  18. thanks!
  19. sir, the numeric value i measure should accompany with text information also. it's a text and numeric combination information to show the user. thanks
  20. Hi All, I’m in the process of developing a simple ATE. Assume I’m measuring voltages @ different DAQ channels sequentially. Means measuring one voltage at a time at one channel. I learned myself how to save the measured data in a file. The thing I want to do is displaying the measured values in front panel. The moment i measured the data through DAQ that info need to be displayed in front panel string indicator. when i measure another data that should display in the same string indicator replacing the previous measurement. finally , In front panel “strings indicator” box the measurement need to roll one after another measurement. How to do this? Thanks all !
  21. Hello Gary, Thanks for the message! I really not able to find about "Safe Removing" in the Manual of USB 6009.(or they didn't talk about safe removing in the manual) I'm interested to know how the experienced users normally plugging out their USB DAQ device out of the computer. I will share my experience in future (or near future!) in case if i have any problem in my DAQ due to the "Non Safe removing" practice. Thanks. Regards, Grey
  22. Hello All, I recently purchased USB 6009 and trying to do some experiments and learning myself (Thanks Youtube!) is it safe that can we unplug the USB 6009 when windows is running? (Just think an example of safe removing memory stick from the computer!). Is it harmful to unplug USB 6009 from the computer when it is ON condition? Thanks for reading my query. Sincerely Grey Ofcourse i close all VIs and MAX Window too.
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