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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I thought about it more and in the thread I referenced I don't necessarily agree with needing to know the name of the event at all, so perhaps it's a moot issue because there's not a good use case for it. I agree that if the name is significant, the data should be structured such that the name attribute is discrete (cluster {string name, userevent ref}).

    That said, I don't mind if it's used internally to a VI - I can see a use case for that. Maybe what we need here is an update to the OpenG function's context help to let people know about the limitations.

    PS: What happens when you cast data? Is the name of the data now the name of the toCast element, or does it make it through?

  2. Then in that case, I would argue that what we're talking about here is not a data name, it's a wire name. A data name would be a label I'd expect to follow a given instance of data through its lifetime, with some nuances if it's value is modified. Going through a terminal into a subVI, though, isn't a modification.

    Well, wire's don't have "names" per se, but they do have labels...

    Anyway, LabVIEW is a dataflow language, I think what you're after is the name of the raferenced data up the chain, which you should pass some other way.

  3. To divert a little here: are you sure you need to do this? In my experience, when calling DLLs that have a BufferData input array and a sizeofBufferData input numeric, all you need to do is put your byte array into BufferData, and put the number of elements of BufferData into sizeofBufferData (note: your BufferData array in the cluster is an array of I32 - my guess is that they're bytes so they should be U8).

  4. Rather than a MUX, I'd suggest you take a look at a switch matrix - if you're doing 2-point measurements (ie: only using the +ve and -ve probes of your DMM) then you need a 2xN matrix, where N is the number of test points. Then, depending on what your development environment is (LabVIEW vs TestStand), you can set up switch routes in Swtich Executive and switch as needed.

    PS: you mentioned non-NI cards: while I try to use NI cards where I can, if there's something outside of their range that I need to do, I choose a card that is IVI-Switch compatible, so I can still use NI Switch Executive. eg: Pickering.

  5. I may have missed it but where did it say it was controled with LabVIEW? Not that Intel would consider that a selling point for their product.

    Right here:

    ...using LabVIEW :)

    Close, but it was actually right here:

    More info here.

    ...which says:

    They used LabVIEW to implement the entire system, and LabVIEW Real-Time was the real-time operating system used on most of the embedded controllers throughout the system.

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  6. CVs and certs are no substitute for "been there, done that, look at the code". However, in the absence of such, they are the only measure.

    True! ..and if you're gainfully employed in a stable position, then often certifications aren't as important to you. That said, as you suggested, certifications are often much more important if you're either applying for a job or promotion where the hiring decision is in the hands of someone who doesn't know you or your code. Especially in a climate where hirers get far more CVs than places available, you'll find that they often have to filter to the best few CVs, and, more often than not, certifications are a big part of that filter.

  7. Yep, this is the need-lock property. A must-have for non-merge-able files. I can't tell you off-hand how to make every new file inherit the property, but it's possible.

    it's a pretty straight forward change to each client's config: http://www.orcaware....k-modify-unlock We have a script that runs from the server side on client logon that checks for and updates these props.

    Incidentally, using a dot naming convention for project libraries is something AQ suggested to me... oh... four years ago or so when I first started crying about namespaces. I resisted for a while but, as is usually the case, I came to understand how his suggestion simplified things.

    I cop a lot of crap around here for dot namespacing almost *everything* (especially when it comes to reuse components and anything OO), but I try to rise above it all. After all, it's difficult to fly like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys. And I mean that in the most respectful and positive way.

    PS: when you dot namespace, do you do it in forward or reverse? I remember reverse was used a lot in the military (eg: shirt.ShortSleeve.Blue.Men's as opposed to Men's.Blue.ShortSleeve.Shirt). I also get my ass into trouble if I don't properly design stuff like this, because my namespaces turn out to be in the wrong order, or singular when they should have been plural, etc.

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